DocuColor Color Server
for the Xer o x 5 7 5 0
d i gi t al co p i er p r i n t er
Copyright © 1998 Electronics for Imaging, Inc. All rights reserved.
This publication is protected by copyright, and all rights are reserved. No part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means for any purpose
without express prior written consent from Electronics for Imaging, Inc., except as expressly permitted herein. Information in this document is subject to change
without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Electronics for Imaging, Inc.
The software described in this publication is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license.
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EFI, the EFI logo, Fiery, the Fiery logo, and the ColorWise logo are trademarks registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. DocuColor, Fiery XJe,
Fiery XJ+, Fiery Driven, the Fiery Driven logo, XJ RipChips, Rip-While-Print, Continuous Print, Command WorkStation, AutoCal, Starr Compression, and
Memory Multiplier are trademarks of Electronics for Imaging, Inc.
Xerox 5760, 5765, 5790, 5750, MajestiK, Regal, and all Xerox product names mentioned in this publication are trademarks of the Xerox Corporation.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Illustrator, PostScript, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Separator, and Adobe PageMaker are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated,
registered in certain jurisdictions. EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) is a trademark of Altsys Corporation. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleShare, AppleTalk, EtherTalk,
LaserWriter, and Macintosh are registered trademarks, and MultiFinder is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft, MS, and MS-DOS are registered
trademarks, and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the US and other countries. QuarkXPress is a registered trademark of Quark, Inc. Times,
Helvetica, and Palatino are trademarks of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. ITC Avant Garde, ITC Bookman, ITC Zapf Chancery, and ITC Zapf Dingbats
are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Farallon, PhoneNET PC, and
PhoneNET Talk are trademarks of Farallon Computing, Inc. COPS and COPSTalk are trademarks of CoOperative Printing Solutions, Inc. NetWare and Novell
are registered trademarks and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) is a trademark of Novell, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories,
a wholly owned subsidiary of Novell, Inc. Sun, Sun Microsystems and SunOS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. PANTONE is
a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. X-Rite® is a registered trademark of X-Rite, Incorporated.
All other terms and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged.
Legal Notices
Apple’s liability to you for actual damages from any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action (whether in contract, tort [including negligence],
product liability or otherwise), will be limited to $50.
Restricted Rights Legends
For defense agencies: Restricted Rights Legend. Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227.7013.
For civilian agencies: Restricted Rights Legend. Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (a) through (d) of the
commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 and the limitations set forth in Electronics for Imaging, Inc.’s standard commercial
agreement for this software. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
Printed in the United States of America on recycled paper.
Part Number: n/a
FCC Information
WARNING: FCC Regulations state that any unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void
the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
and uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference
at his own expense.
Industry Canada Class A Notice
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard
entitled, “Digital Apparatus” ICES-003 from Industry Canada.
Avis de Conformation Classe A d l’Industrie Canada
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la Classe A prescrites dans la
norme sur le matériel brouilleur, “Appareils Numériques” NMB-003 édictée par l’Industrie Canada.
Certificate by Manufacturer/Importer
This is to certify that the FC07 is shielded against radio interference in accordance with the provisions of VFG 243/1991. The German Postal Services have been
advised that this device is being put on the market and that they have been given the right to inspect the series for compliance with the regulations.
Electronics for Imaging, Inc.
Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs
Heirmit wird bescheinigt, daß der FC07 im Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der VFG 243/1991 Funk-Entstort ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde
das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeraumt.
Electronics for Imaging, Inc.
RFI Compliance Notice
This equipment has been tested concerning compliance with the relevant RFI protection requirements both individually and on system level (to simulate normal
operation conditions). However, it is possible that these RFI Requirements are not met under certain unfavorable conditions in other installations. It is the user
who is responsible for compliance of his particular installation.
Dieses Gerät wurde sowohl einzeln als auch in einer Anlage, die einen normalen Anwendungsfall nachbildet, auf die Einhaltung der Funkentstörbestimmungen
geprüft. Es ist jedoch möglich, daß die Funkenstörbestimmungen unter ungünstigen Umständen bei anderen Gerätekombinationen nicht eingehalten werden.
Für die Einhaltung der Funkentstörbestimmungen einer gesamten Anlage, in der dieses Gerät betrieben wird, ist der Betreiber verantwortlich.
Compliance with applicable regulations depends on the use of shielded cables. It is the user who is responsible for procuring the appropriate cables.
Die Einhaltung betreffender Bestimmungen hängt davon ab, daß geschirmte Ausführungen benützt werden. Für die Beschaffung richtiger Ausführungen ist der
Betreiber verantwortlich.
Software License Agreement
Electronics for Imaging, Inc. grants to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the software and accompanying documentation (“Software”) included
with the Fiery XJ Color Server you have purchased, including without limitation the PostScript® software provided by Adobe Systems Incorporated.
You may:
a. use the Software solely for your own customary business purposes and solely with Fiery XJ;
b. use the digitally-encoded machine-readable outline and bitmap programs (“Font Programs”) provided with Fiery XJ in a special encrypted format (“Coded Font
Programs”) to reproduce and display designs, styles, weights, and versions of letters, numerals, characters and symbols (“Typefaces”) solely for your own customary
business purposes on the screen of the Fiery XJ or Macintosh monitor used with Fiery XJ;
c. use the trademarks used by Electronics for Imaging to identify the Coded Font Programs and Typefaces reproduced therefrom (“Trademarks”); and
d. assign your rights under this Agreement to a transferee of all of your right, title and interest in and to Fiery XJ provided the transferee agrees to be bound by all
of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
You may not:
a. make use of the Software, directly or indirectly, to print bitmap images with print resolutions of 6c00 dots per inch or greater, or to generate fonts or typefaces
for use other than with Fiery XJ;
b. make or have made, or permit to be made, any copies of the Software, Coded Font Programs, accompanying documentation or portions thereof, except as
necessary for use with the Fiery XJ unit purchased by you; provided, however, that under no circumstances may you make or have made, or permit to be made,
any copies of that certain portion of the Software which has been included on the Fiery XJ hard disk drive. You may not copy the documentation;
c. attempt to alter, disassemble, decrypt or reverse engineer the Software, Coded Font Programs or accompanying documentation;
d. rent or lease the Software.
Proprietary Rights
You acknowledge that the Software, Coded Font Programs, Typefaces, Trademarks and accompanying documentation are proprietary to Electronics for Imaging
and its suppliers and that title and other intellectual property rights therein remain with Electronics for Imaging and its suppliers. Except as stated above, this
Agreement does not grant you any right to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights, franchises or
licenses in respect of the Software, Coded Font Programs, Typefaces, Trademarks or accompanying documentation. You may not adapt or use any trademark or
trade name which is likely to be similar to or confusing with that of Electronics for Imaging or any of its suppliers or take any other action which impairs or reduces
the trademark rights of Electronics for Imaging or its suppliers. The trademarks may only be used to identify printed output produced by the Coded Font
Programs. At the reasonable request of Electronics for Imaging, you must supply samples of any Typeface identified with a trademark.
The MacApp software is proprietary to Apple Computer, Inc. and is licensed to Electronics for Imaging, Inc. for distribution only for use in combination with
DocuColor software utilities.
You agree to hold the Software and Coded Font Programs in confidence, disclosing the Software and Coded Font Programs only to authorized users having a need
to use the Software and Coded Font Programs as permitted by this Agreement and to take all reasonable precautions to prevent disclosure to other parties.
Unauthorized use, copying or disclosure of the Software, Coded Font Programs, Typefaces, Trademarks or accompanying documentation will result in automatic
termination of this license and will make available to Electronics for Imaging other legal remedies.
Limited Warranty and Disclaimer
Electronics for Imaging warrants that, for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery to you, the Software under normal use will perform without
significant errors that make it unusable. Electronics for Imaging’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy under this warranty (which is subject to you returning
DocuColor to Electronics for Imaging or an authorized dealer) will be, at Electronics for Imaging’s option, to use reasonable commercial efforts to attempt to
correct or work around errors, to replace the Software with functionally equivalent software, or to refund the purchase price and terminate this Agreement. Some
states do not allow limitations on duration of implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
Except for the above express limited warranty, Electronics for Imaging makes and you receive no warranties or conditions on the Products, express, implied, or
statutory, and Electronics for Imaging specifically disclaims any implied warranty or condition of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
For warranty service, please contact your authorized service/support center.
the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free or that the Software will meet your specific requirements.
Limitation of Liability
Export Controls
You agree that you will not export or re-export the Software or Coded Font Programs in any form without the appropriate United States and foreign government
licenses. Your failure to comply with this provision is a material breach of this Agreement.
Government Use
Use, duplication or disclosure of the Software by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or in subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software—Restricted
Right Clause at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
Third Party Beneficiary
You are hereby notified that Adobe Systems Incorporated, a California corporation located at 345 Park Ave., San Jose, California 95110 (“Adobe”) is a third-party
beneficiary to this Agreement to the extent that this Agreement contains provisions which relate to your use of the Fonts, the Coded Font Programs, the Typefaces
and the Trademarks licensed hereby. Such provisions are made expressly for the benefit of Adobe and are enforceable by Adobe in addition to Electronics for
This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California.
This Agreement is the entire agreement held between us and supersedes any other communications or advertising with respect to the Software, Coded Font
Programs and accompanying documentation.
If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please write to Electronics for Imaging, Inc., Attn: Licensing Dept. or see Electronics for Imaging’s web site
Electronics for Imaging, Inc.
2855 Campus Drive
San Mateo, CA 94403
Network administration features
About the documentation
About this manual
Conventions used in DocuColor manuals
DocuColor on the network
Stages of installation on the network
Quick path to installation
Ethernet cable connection
Parallel cable connection
About DocuColor Setup
DocuColor Setup from the Control Panel
Accessing Setup options
Running DocuColor Setup
Types of setup screens
Server Setup options
Protocol Setup options
Service Setup options
DocuColor printing connections
Direct connection
Printer Setup options
viii Contents
Job Log Setup options
Change Password
Clear Server
Overview of IPX printing to the DocuColor
Setting up an NDS connection
Setting the NetWare 4.x bindery context
Setting up a DocuColor print queue for bindery
Setting up NetWare Windows clients for printing
Configuring Windows 95 workstations for remote utilities
Loading the TCP/IP network protocol
Adding the DocuColor to the TCP/IP network
Installing the DocuColor as a shared PostScript printer
Configuring Windows NT clients
Configuring Windows NT workstations for remote utilities
Using AppleTalk with NetWare servers
Using AppleTalk with Windows NT
Configuring the DocuColor and clients for WebTools
ix Contents
DocuColor on a network with UNIX workstations
Tips for experts—UNIX workstations
Important note about the remote printer name
Printing and managing print jobs
Administrator functions
Maintaining optimal server performance
Troubleshooting the DocuColor
Troubleshooting during Setup from the Control Panel
DocuColor Token Ring option
Connecting Token Ring hardware
IPX/ SPX installations
TCP/ IP installations
Setting up Token Ring on the DocuColor
Setting up NetWare Windows clients
xi Network administration features
This manual is intended for anyone who is responsible for integrating the DocuColor
Color Server™ into a business environment that includes networked personal comput-
ers. After the DocuColor and client workstations are set up, as described in this guide
and in Getting Started, individual users can print to the color server as a high-perfor-
mance color PostScript printer.
This manual includes guidelines on the following topics:
• Basic configuration of the DocuColor to support printing over TCP/IP and IPX
(Novell) networks
• Setting up a parallel port connection
• Configuring UNIX systems and Novell and Windows NT servers to provide Docu-
Color printing services
• Administering network printing
• Using the DocuColor in mixed network environments
• Setting up a Token Ring connection
NOTE: The network guidelines in this book are not intended to replace the services of
an experienced network engineer.
Network administration features
DocuColor software offers several important features that affect you as a network or
printer administrator:
Direct (native) support of NDS with NetWare 4.x
NetWare 4.x can also be supported in bindery emulation.
NOTE: NDS is an abbreviation for either Novell Directory Services or
NetWare Directory Services. The two names are used interchangeably.
Simultaneous NetWare 4.x and NetWare 3.12 connections supported
One NetWare 4.x NDS server and up to eight NetWare 3.12 bindery servers
(or NetWare 4.x servers in bindery emulation mode) can be connected to the Docu-
xii Introduction
Remote utilities (Spooler and Downloader) for Windows™ computers
The utilities can be run from a Windows 95 workstation running IPX/SPX or from a
Windows NT 4.0 Workstations or Windows NT 4.0 Server running TCP/IP proto-
WebTools (WebSpooler and Installer)
The WebTools allow you to manage the DocuColor from the Internet or from your
company’s intranet. To use the WebTools, you need to set certain options in Network
Setup and Printer Setup.
Color calibration
AutoCal™ is a copier-based calibration option that doesn’t require a densitometer. Two
calibration targets are provided. For more information on calibration, see the User
Support for Windows (WINS) printing
Windows printing, also known as WINS printing, allows you to print using built-in
Microsoft networking support without additional network software. Printing by this
method allows you to print from your computer to a particular queue (Print or Direct)
on the DocuColor.
About the documentation
This guide is part of the set of documentation that includes the following manuals for
users and system administrators:
• The Administrator Guide explains basic configuration and administration of the
DocuColor for the supported platforms and network environments. It includes
guidelines for setting up UNIX, Windows NT, and NetWare servers to provide
PostScript printing services to clients.
• Getting Started describes how to install software to enable users to print to the
DocuColor. Specifically, it describes installation of PostScript™ printer drivers,
printer description files, and other user software provided on the DocuColor User
Software CD. It also explains how to connect each user to the network.
• The User Guide describes the printing features of the DocuColor for users who send
jobs via remote workstations on the network or via a direct parallel port connection.
It also describes the WebTools, the Spooler, and the Downloader, and lists the
printer fonts installed on the DocuColor.
xiii About the documentation
• Release Notes provides last-minute product information and workarounds for some
of the problems you may encounter.
About this manual
• Chapter 1 illustrates the supported network configurations and shows the network
connectors on the DocuColor.
• Chapter 2 describes configuring the DocuColor from its Control Panel.
tems for printing to the DocuColor.
• Chapter 4 summarizes some administrative features of DocuColor software that are
available for the three major platforms, and offers some troubleshooting hints.
• Appendix A describes the Token Ring option.
Administrator features described in other manuals are summarized on page 4-1.
Conventions used in DocuColor manuals
Actions you should perform are shown as numbered steps in bold-faced type, followed
by a brief explanation if needed. For example:
1. Choose Options in the Print dialog box.
Special options for your printer are available if you have installed the PostScript Level 2
driver and the PPD for your printer.
A special font indicates text you should type or keys you should press. For example:
<Tab> indicates that you should press the Tab key.
At the NetWare 4.x drive prompt, type:
The special font is also used to highlight options that appear in DocuColor setup
menus. For example:
This option appears only if Enable Parallel Port is set to Yes.
xiv Introduction
The initial letters of menu options and Control Panel setups are uppercase. Filenames
and settings are listed in the special font only if it is hard to distinguish them from sur-
rounding text.
Occasionally you will be referred to other DocuColor manuals, whose titles will be
shown in italics. For example, see Getting Started.
1-1 DocuColor on the network
This chapter summarizes the stages in setting up a DocuColor, and includes diagrams
that refer you to other chapters or other manuals for completing your installation. If
you check those references, you should be able to find the information you need
Chapter 1:
Connecting to
the Network
DocuColor on the network
When the DocuColor is connected to a network, it behaves as a networked PostScript
printer. The built-in Ethernet interface on the DocuColor supports the following
network protocols:
• TCP/IP (the lpd, nbt, and http protocols)
TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The lpd proto-
col is the standard TCP/IP printing protocol. The nbt protocol supports Windows
(WINS) printing. The http protocol is the protocol used for connection to the Inter-
• IPX/SPX (Novell)
IPX/SPX stands for Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange.
These protocols (rules that enable computers on a network to communicate with each
other) are supported on the Windows, and UNIX platforms and can run concurrently
on the same Ethernet cable. Workstations that use other protocols can print through a
server that uses one of the protocols mentioned, or they can print to the DocuColor
parallel port. A Token Ring option is also available. This option supports the TCP/IP
and IPX protocols. The DocuColor is auto-sensing, and can handle all of these con-
nections simultaneously.
When you add a DocuColor to a network, it is assumed that a network administrator
will have already installed a network cabling system and connected workstations and
1-2 Connecting to the Network
Stages of installation on the network
Installation can be performed by a network or printing administrator. The stages of a
successful installation are:
Physically connecting the DocuColor to a functioning network
Prepare a network node for the DocuColor—obtain cable and route it to the location
where the DocuColor will be installed (near the copier), and attach the cable to the
network interface of the DocuColor. See page 1-11 for details.
Configuring the network server
When network servers are required, you need to configure those servers to provide cli-
ing network servers in Windows and UNIX network environments.
DocuColor Setup
Configure the DocuColor for your particular printing and network environment. See
Chapter 2 for details.
Client setup
Install the files needed for printing, install additional user software, and connect the
and some information is provided in Chapter 3 of this manual.
System administration
Monitor and maintain system performance and troubleshoot problems that arise. See
Chapter 4 for details.
1-3 DocuColor on the network
Summary of DocuColor network installation
Prepare a network node. Connect the
DocuColor to the copier and to the
Network server
Configure UNIX, Windows NT and IPX
(Novell) servers to specify DocuColor
print queues and DocuColor users.
Install PostScript printer drivers and
remote utilities on the server.
In the DocuColor Control Panel, configure
Server Setup, Network Setup, Printer
Setup, PS Setup, Color Setup, and Job Log
Setup. Perform AutoCal calibration.
At each workstation that will print to the
Mac OS
• Install the appropriate printer drivers
and printer description files (PPDs),
and connect to one or more queues.
• For computers that will use them,
install the remote utilities and an
Internet browser.
• Verify the DocuColor in the list of
printers and run a test print.
DocuColor available on the network
1-4 Connecting to the Network
Quick path to installation
The diagrams in the following pages show typical systems that can be used for printing
and for using the DocuColor utilities. To use the diagrams, find the page with your
preferred platform and network type. Then look up the setup procedures in the pages
and books referred to in the keys.
The diagrams describe devices that use the supported networking protocols. They are
logical diagrams and are not intended to describe the physical arrangement (topology)
of devices on the network. A variety of physical arrangements is possible with each
logical arrangement. For example, twisted pair Ethernet networks commonly use a star
configuration around a hub, rather than a bus arrangement. The design of physical
networks is beyond the scope of this manual.
If the network uses more than one protocol or more than one type of workstation,
combine the setups listed for each component of your system. Note that multiple
protocols (shown in the diagrams as parallel lines) can run on the same cable. A solid
connection from the DocuColor with an arrow indicates that other supported network
types can be operational at the same time.
NOTE: The networking functionality outlined in this section is available on both Ether-
net and Token Ring networks. A Token Ring card is required for connection to a
Token Ring network. Token Ring drivers are included with DocuColor system soft-
ware. See Appendix A for details.
The protocols used in these diagrams are indicated as follows:
IPX (Novell)
TCP/ IP (lpd or
1-5 DocuColor on the network
Windows computers in a Novell environment
Key to setup:
1 NetWare server
2 DocuColor Setup
3 NetWare client
page 3-4
Chapter 2
Another supported
Getting Started
page 3-16,
Getting Started
4 Windows computer
DocuColor connected to copier
NetWare server
SPX for running utilities
Windows computer:
NetWare client
Windows computer:
NetWare client
Printing on this network
Windows computer:
All Windows computers can print through the
NetWare server
NetWare client
running SPX
3, 4
For running utilities
A Windows computer with IPX/ SPX protocols
IPX protocol
SPX protocol
1-6 Connecting to the Network
Mac OS computers in a Novell environment
Key to setup:
1 NetWare Server
page 3-4
page 3-27
2 DocuColor Setup
Chapter 2
Another supported
3 Mac OS computer
Getting Started
DocuColor connected to copier
NetWare server
Mac OS computer
Mac OS computer
Printing on this network
Mac OS clients computers can print
through the NetWare server using the
AppleTalk protocol; the NetWare server
sends jobs to the DocuColor using the IPX
For running utilities
Remote utilities are not available on
Mac OS workstations.
IPX protocol
1-7 DocuColor on the network
Windows NT Server environment
Key to setup:
1 Windows NT Server
2 DocuColor Setup
3 Windows NT client
page 3-18
Chapter 2
page 3-25,
Getting Started
Another supported
DocuColor connected to copier
Windows NT Workstation
or Windows NT Server
acting as print server
LAN with
lpd (TCP/ IP) for printing
TCP/ IP for utilities
Windows computer
Windows computer
Printing on this network
Windows 3.1x or Windows 95 clients can
print using a protocol available on the
Windows NT print server; Windows NT
machines can print using TCP/ IP with the
lpd protocol
Windows NT Workstation
or Windows NT Server with
TCP/ IP loaded
For running utilities
A Windows NT Server or Windows NT
Workstation, with TCP/ IP loaded
NETBEUI or other protocol available on
the clients and the server
TCP/ IP protocol
1-8 Connecting to the Network
Windows computers using Windows (nbt) printing
Key to setup:
1 Windows computer
2 DocuColor Setup
Setup Guide
Chapter 2
Another supported
DocuColor connected to copier
Windows computer
Windows computer
Windows computer
For Windows printing
Windows computers
WINS printing enabled
TCP/ IP (nbt) protocol
1-9 DocuColor on the network
UNIX workstations and Windows NT computers on a TCP/ IP network
Key to setup:
1 UNIX server/ host
2 DocuColor Setup
3 UNIX workstation
4 TCP/ IP client
page 3-30
Chapter 2
Another supported
page 3-30
Getting Started,
page 3-30
page 3-18
5 Windows NT client
DocuColor connected to copier
UNIX server
or workstation
1, 3
TCP/ IP (lpd)
TCP/ IP client
Printing on this network
UNIX workstations with lpd
protocol can print directly and act
as host for shared printing
TCP/ IP clients can print through
UNIX server or directly
Windows NT computer with
TCP/ IP loaded
For running utilities
Requires Windows NT computer
with TCP/ IP and lpd loaded
Remote utilities are not available
on UNIX workstations
TCP/ IP (lpd) protocol
1-10 Connecting to the Network
DocuColor parallel port connection
Key to setup:
1 DocuColor Setup
Chapter 2
User Guide
2 Windows computer
A supported
network protocol
Parallel input
DocuColor connected to copier
Protocol not directly
supported on DocuColor
With the parallel port enabled, the
DocuColor can accept and print jobs sent
to its parallel port.
PC workstation,
server, or laptop
The rest of this chapter and the next cover the parts of a installation that are performed
on the DocuColor itself. This chapter describes the physical network connections;
Chapter 2 summarizes DocuColor Setup and other administrative functions available
from the Control Panel.
1-11 DocuColor on the network
Before you begin
The following steps should be completed before you configure the DocuColor and the
workstations that will print to the DocuColor. A service technician will have
performed some initial installation.
1. Print a copier test page to make sure the copier is functioning normally.
2. Turn off the copier and connect the interface cable from the copier to the
While the DocuColor is turned off, verify that the SCSI terminator is installed on the
SCSI connector on the back of the DocuColor.
3. To confirm this connection, turn on the copier and the DocuColor and print a Test Page
from the Control Panel.
To print a Test Page, press the Menu button on the Control Panel to display the
Functions menu. (See “DocuColor Control Panel” on page 2-3.) Choose Print Pages,
and then Test Page.
4. With both the copier and the DocuColor turned off, connect the network cable to the
DocuColor, as described in the next section.
The network should already be installed and operational.
5. Turn on the copier and then the DocuColor.
6. Prepare network servers to share DocuColor user software and to enable networked
users to print to the DocuColor, and proceed to Setup.
See Chapters 2 and 3 for details.
1-12 Connecting to the Network
Ethernet cable connection
The DocuColor supports Ethernet cabling of three types:
• Thinnet (thin coaxial Ethernet cable or 10Base 2)
Uses an external transceiver to attach to the AUI (attachment unit interface) connec-
tor on the Ethernet interface of the DocuColor.
• Thicknet (thick coaxial Ethernet cable or 10Base 5)
Connects directly to the AUI connector on the Ethernet interface of the DocuColor.
• Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), defined as Category 5 (10BaseT or 100BaseT)
Uses an 8-pin RJ-45 connector that plugs into the RJ-45 socket on the DocuColor.
NOTE: The DocuColor 100BaseT option is of type 100BaseTX, also known as Fast
Ethernet. If an Ethernet hub is used, it must be a 100BaseTX hub. Only Category 5
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling can be used with 100BaseTX. The term
“100BaseT” is used in this manual to refer to 100BaseTX.
1-13 Ethernet cable connection
Back view of the DocuColor
Centronics-type parallel connector
AUI connector for thinnet and thicknet
RJ-45 connector for twisted pair Ethernet
Slot for 100BaseT option
Copier connector slot
Serial port
Slots for Token Ring option
Power switch
SCSI connector for external CD-ROM drive
Shut down the DocuColor before connecting it to any network device.
NOTE: Do not attach the cable to more than one Ethernet connector on the DocuColor
at one time.
If the Token Ring option is installed, you can attach an unshielded twisted pair cable to
the RJ-45 connector on the Token Ring board and attach a second cable to the RJ-45
Ethernet connector. For more information on Token Ring, see Appendix A.
1. With the DocuColor turned off, connect the transceiver to the AUI connector on the
back of the DocuColor. Press down on the latch to lock the transceiver connection.
2. Connect the thinnet cable to the BNC connector on the transceiver.
3. Configure network servers for printing and then proceed to Setup.
1-14 Connecting to the Network
1. With the DocuColor turned off, connect the thicknet cable connector to the AUI con-
nector on the back of the DocuColor. Press down on the latch to lock the connector.
2. Configure network servers for printing and then proceed to Setup.
1. With the DocuColor turned off, connect the RJ-45 cable connector to the RJ-45 socket
on the back of the DocuColor.
2. Configure network servers for printing and then proceed to Setup.
Parallel cable connection
In addition to receiving print jobs over Ethernet and Token Ring, the DocuColor can
accept print jobs from a Windows computer through its high-speed parallel port. This
connection is advantageous for portable computers and for workstations that use
dedicated networks using protocols other than TCP/IP or IPX.
The parallel port connection is active at the same time as the network ports.
1. With the DocuColor and the Windows computer or server turned off, attach the Cen-
tronics-type parallel cable to the parallel port of the DocuColor.
The parallel port is the top connector on the back of the DocuColor.
3. Turn on the computer and the DocuColor.
4. Proceed to Setup.
To print to the parallel port, you will need to set up the parallel port connection. See
“Parallel Port Setup options” on page 2-13. For information on setting up printing, see
Getting Started; for printing to the parallel port, see the User Guide.
2-1 About DocuColor Setup
The DocuColor Color Server fits into a variety of work environments. To prepare for
printing at your site, you need to do some initial configuration to specify the network
environment and the kind of printing you will do.
Chapter 2:
Setting up the
About DocuColor Setup
When the DocuColor is powered on after new system software is loaded, you (or the
service technician who loads the software) choose the language you want to use for
Control Panel screens. After that, the Server, Network, Printer, PS, Color, and Job Log
Setups, in that order, must be configured from the Control Panel.
On Novell or Windows NT (using TCP/IP), and Token Ring networks, the network
servers should be configured for printing to the DocuColor before you enter network
settings on the DocuColor. The diagrams on pages 1-4 through 1-10 give chapter
references for Network Setup.
You’ll need a live network connection so the DocuColor can query the network for
zones, servers, and server-based queues.
Whenever the configuration of servers, printers, or the network itself changes at your
site, you can alter individual settings to correspond to the changed environment. Like-
wise, if printing needs or administrative requirements change, you can alter the corre-
sponding settings.
NOTE: Changing network or port settings may require that you make changes in more
than one Setup area.
2-2 Setting up the DocuColor
DocuColor Setup from the Control Panel
Setup, performed from the Control Panel right after powering on the DocuColor,
configures the DocuColor to communicate with other devices and manage print jobs
sent to it.
There are six groups of Setup options:
• Server Setup to specify system options
• Network Setup to specify all the active network systems that will transmit print jobs
to the DocuColor
• Printer Setup to specify the way print jobs and queues are managed on the color
• PS Setup to specify PostScript options
• Color Setup to specify color printing parameters
• Job Log Setup to specify how the DocuColor handles its log of printed jobs
The Setup menus also allow you to calibrate the DocuColor, create and change an
administrator password, and clear the jobs queued on the server.
Accessing Setup options
The Control Panel on the front of the DocuColor enables you to set options and view
information about jobs printed to the DocuColor.
It comprises the following parts:
• Display window showing status information and options for setting up the
• Line selection buttons
• Up and down arrow buttons
• Menu button (escape)
• Activity light that indicates normal or problem activity
2-3 About DocuColor Setup
DocuColor Control Panel
Activity light
Server Name
Line selection buttons
DocuColor at Idle (ready);
message shown in display window
850 MB
Server Info
Up and down arrow buttons
Menu button
The User Guide describes the online display screens in detail. This chapter describes
only the screens you might see when performing Setup.
1. When the DocuColor displays the Idle screen, press the Menu button on the Control
Panel to go to the Functions menu.
Print Pages
Suspend Printing
Resume Printing
Run Diagnostics
The Functions menu has two screens, as shown to the left.
2. Press the down arrow button to view the second screen of the Functions menu.
Reboot Server
3. In the second screen, press the button to choose Reboot Server.
After automatic startup diagnostics, the DocuColor displays the entry screen.
2-4 Setting up the DocuColor
4. At the startup message, press any button.
For software
update or setup,
press any key.
The Start Up screen is displayed.
5. Choose Run Setup to access all setup menus.
Run Setup
Install Software
Format Disk
The Install Software and Format Disk commands are for service technicians.
Start Up
6. Press the line selection button to choose a Setup menu or command.
Exit Setup
Server Setup
Network Setup
Printer Setup
Press the down arrow to view the second and third screens of the main Setup
7. Choose setups in the same order as they appear in the menu: Server Setup, Network
Setup, Printer Setup, PS Setup, Color Setup, and then Job Log Setup.
PS Setup
Color Setup
Job Log Setup
The sequence is important for first-time Setup.
Later, just go directly to the menu you want to change. However, if you make
changes in Network Setup, you may need to change some settings in Printer Setup
as well.
Change Password
Clear Server
NOTE: If you make changes in Server, Network, or Printer Setup, you’ll need to
update the system configuration by opening and saving the other Setups even if
you haven’t changed any other settings.
1. Make sure the DocuColor is connected to the copier and connected to the network you
will use.
2. Turn on the DocuColor.
The startup diagnostics are performed.
3. At the startup message, press any button.
4. Continue with step 5 from the previous procedure.
Review the settings described in this chapter. For more information on calibration, and
on Control Panel screens other than those in Setup, see the User Guide.
2-5 About DocuColor Setup
Running DocuColor Setup
When you restart the DocuColor and choose Run Setup, you can select one menu after
another and enter information about your DocuColor and your network and printing
In each Setup, the last line of the display window tells you the name of the current
Setup menu. Most of the screens you see are shown on the Control Panel Map, a
multiple-page flowchart that can be printed from the color server. When the color
server is displaying the Idle screen (shown in the figure on page 2-3), you can print the
Control Panel Map by choosing Print Pages from the Functions menu, and then
choosing Control Panel Map.
Types of setup screens
There are two types of setup options:
Multiple choice
You are given choices (for example, Yes or No, or a list of
options from which to choose). Only one choice is
displayed at a time, in highlighted text. The currently
selected (or the default) value appears first.
Use the up and down arrow buttons to scroll through the
selections, and choose OK when the correct information is
Information entry
You must specify the information for your site. For
example, the printer name or IP address.
In that case, use the up and down arrow buttons to scroll
the alphabet and numerals to make your selection.
The cursor position is made evident, and two of the line
selection buttons become left and right buttons. Arrows
appear on the display window next to the corresponding
buttons. Use these buttons to move between positions for
entering information.
NOTE: When you enter text, enter it from left to right, as
the left-arrow button acts as a delete key as well as a cursor-
moving key. This is indicated in the display by the delete
symbol ( ).
2-6 Setting up the DocuColor
Example: Multiple choice
Publish Print Queue
Publish Print Queue
Printer Setup
Printer Setup
Press the up or down arrow When the setting you want
button to display the other is displayed, press the but-
option or options.
ton beside OK to continue.
Example: Information entry with fields
Subnet Mask
Subnet Mask
Subnet Mask
TCP/IP (Ethernet)
TCP/IP (Ethernet)
TCP/IP (Ethernet)
From the starting position, The next field is selected.
When the correct number
press the right arrow but- Press the up or down arrow is displayed, press the right
ton to move the cursor to button to change the num- arrow button to move to
the right.
the third field. Press the left
arrow to go back and edit,
or press OK to accept the
choice and continue.
Example: Information entry with individual characters
Enter Your File
Server Password
Enter Your File
Enter Your File
Server Password
Server Password
Bindery Setup
Bindery Setup
Bindery Setup
From the starting position, When the correct character Press the up or down arrow
press the up or down is displayed, press the right to enter a character in the
arrow button to enter the arrow button to move the second position.
first character.
cursor to the next position. The delete button erases
the current character and
moves the cursor to the left.
NOTE: If you make a mistake during Setup, you can always use the Menu button to
cancel without saving changes. If you are viewing a Setup screen, pressing the Menu
button cancels what you are doing in the current screen to bring you to the next higher
level menu. You may need to press Menu more than once to return to the top level for
the particular Setup procedure with which you are working. Once at the top level, you
can enter the current Setup again, or exit without making changes.
2-7 About DocuColor Setup
When you have entered all the settings or made all the changes you want, you need to
save the changes. You are usually prompted to do so. If you choose Yes, your settings
overwrite previous settings. If you choose No, your previous settings are retained. If
necessary, the DocuColor reboots after you exit from the Setup menu.
Server Setup options
The Server Setup menu enables you to specify system information that pertains to the
DocuColor itself and all users. Accessing the menu is described on page 2-2.
Exit Setup
Press button for Server Setup
Server Setup
Network Setup
Printer Setup
When you choose Server Setup, the options appear in sequence, as described below.
Default values, where applicable, are shown in square brackets.
Server Name
Default server name
Use this option to give the DocuColor a name (up to 10 characters long).
Enter this name when you configure the Chooser list for utilities on IPX/SPX net-
works (see the Getting Started).
If you have multiple color servers and give them the same name, a unique number is
appended to the name that appears in the Chooser. Although this routes jobs correctly,
it may be inconvenient to users and is not a recommended practice.
System Date
Use this option to change the system date. Enter the date in the standard form for your
usage: either MM/ DD/ YY or DD/ MM/ YY. The date is used on the cover page and on Job
System Time
Use this option to change the system time. Enter the time based on the 24-hour clock
in the form HH:MM (Hours:Minutes). The time is used on the cover page and on
Job Logs.
2-8 Setting up the DocuColor
Print Start Page
No/ Yes [No]
Use this option to specify whether the DocuColor should print a start page every time
it is powered on or rebooted. The start page displays information about the Docu-
Color, including the server name, current date and time, amount of memory installed
in the DocuColor, last calibration date, network protocols enabled, and connections
When Print Start Page is set to Yes, the DocuColor must be connected to a copier
before it can reach the Idle status screen.
Use Character Set
DOS/ Windows [Windows]
Use this option to specify whether the Control Panel should use the Windows or DOS
character set for displaying filenames. This is important if filenames include accented
or composite characters (such as é, ü, or æ).
For mixed-platform networks, choose the predominant client type, or whichever
option gives better overall representation of the special characters you use.
Enable Printed Queue
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes if you want to enable the Printed queue, a storage location on the Docu-
Color disk for recent jobs that were printed from the Print queue. Users with access to
the Spooler or the WebSpooler can reprint their own jobs from the Printed queue
without sending them to the DocuColor again. If you select No, jobs are deleted from
the DocuColor disk immediately after they are printed.
Jobs Saved in Printed Queue
1-99 [10]
This option appears only if Enable Printed Queue is set to Yes. Specify the number of
jobs to be stored in the Printed queue. Note that jobs in the Printed queue take up
space on the DocuColor hard disk.
Save Changes
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes to activate any changes made in the Server Setup; select No to return to the
main Setup menu without making any changes.
2-9 Network Setup options
Network Setup options
Network Setup configures the DocuColor to receive print jobs over the network
systems that will be used at your site.
In the Setup menu, choose Network Setup.
Exit Setup
Server Setup
Network Setup
Printer Setup
The Network Setup menu includes three submenus that let you choose port types,
protocols, and network services. You must perform Port Setup and enable at least one
For each item you enable, you are prompted to enter settings for that item. Default
values, where applicable, appear in square brackets.
Exit Network Setup
Port Setup
Protocol Setup
Service Setup
Network Setup
In Network Setup you specify network addresses and names to be used by
workstations, servers, and the DocuColor when they communicate with each other.
You need to display and select options only for the network systems that are currently
used at your site. If your network requirements change, you can change the Network
Setup at any time.
If the DocuColor is configured to enable more than one protocol, it automatically
switches to the correct protocol when it receives a print job. When the parallel port and
one or two network ports are enabled, print jobs can be received over all of those ports
at the same time.
The available network types, and the Setup areas that pertain to them, are summarized
in the following tables.
For this Network or
Connection Type:
Use this Port Setup:
Use this Protocol Setup:
Use this Service Setup:
TCP/IP over Ethernet
Ethernet Setup
TCP/IP Setup: Ethernet Setup
LPD Setup
Web Services Setup
Windows Setup
IPX/SPX over Ethernet
Ethernet Setup
PServer Setup (NDS,
Bindery, or both)
Parallel Port Setup
2-10 Setting up the DocuColor
If the Token Ring option is installed, you have these additional options:
For this Network or
Connection Type:
Use this Port Setup:
Use this Protocol Setup:
Use this Service Setup:
TCP/IP over Token Ring
Token Ring Setup
TCP/IP Setup: Token Ring Setup LPD Setup
Web Services Setup
Windows Setup
IPX/SPX over Token Ring
Token Ring Setup
PServer Setup (NDS,
Bindery, or both)
1. Confirm that the network cable is connected to the DocuColor.
During Network Setup, the DocuColor queries the network for zones, servers, and
server-based queues. If you perform Network Setup without a connected and function-
ing network, default settings are used that may not fulfill your needs.
2. Choose Network Setup from the main Setup menu.
3. Choose Port Setup.
4. To use Ethernet, choose Ethernet Setup from the Port Setup menu, and enter the
appropriate settings.
5. If the Token Ring option is installed, choose Token Ring Setup and enter the appropri-
ate settings.
6. To print to the parallel port, choose Parallel Port Setup from the Port Setup menu, and
enter the appropriate settings.
7. When you have finished entering port settings, choose Exit Port Setup and then choose
Protocol Setup.
8. Enter the appropriate settings for the protocol or protocols you will use.
9. When you have finished entering protocol settings, choose Exit Protocol Setup and
then choose Service Setup.
10. Enter the appropriate settings for the services you will use.
The options are described in detail in the following pages.
2-11 Network Setup options
1. When you have finished entering service settings, choose Exit Network Setup.
2. Choose Yes when prompted to save changes.
3. From the main Setup menu, choose another Setup or choose Exit Setup.
For first-time Setup, or if you have configured a new connection, choose Printer Setup
after you finish Network Setup.
Port Setup options
You can enable Ethernet and parallel communication simultaneously. If the Token
Ring option is installed, you can also enable Token Ring. To configure the
DocuColor, choose each port type you use and enter the settings for that port.
Since network setups are nested, the names of higher-level menus are shown in this
chapter to the left of each menu heading.
Exit Port Setup
Ethernet Setup
Token Ring Setup
Parallel Port Setup
Port Setup
2-12 Setting up the DocuColor
Network Setup
Port Setup
Ethernet Setup
Enable Ethernet
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes if you have Ethernet cabling connected to the DocuColor.
Ethernet Speed
Auto Detect/ 100 Mbps/ 10 Mbps [Auto Detect]
This screen appears only if the 100BaseT option is installed.
Select Auto Detect if your network environment is mixed, or select the speed
(10 Mbps or 100 Mbps) of the network to which the DocuColor is attached.
You must restart the DocuColor after changing the speed before resuming
Network Setup
Port Setup
Token Ring Setup
Enable Token Ring
Yes/ No [No]
Select Yes if the DocuColor is to be connected to a Token Ring network.
Maximum Frame Size
4202/ 2154/ 1130/ 632 [4202]
Select the maximum frame size recommended by the network administrator at your
site. If you are uncertain of the setting to use, select the default value (4202).
Enable Source Routing
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes if your network supports source routing.
Source Routing
Request All Route
Yes/ No [Yes]
This option appears only if you enabled Source Routing. Select Yes if you want the
Request packet to travel to its destination by all routes.
2-13 Network Setup options
Source Routing
Respond All Route
Yes/ No [No]
This option appears only if you answered No to the previous option. Select Yes if you
want the Response packet to return by all routes to the originating computer.
Parallel Port Setup options
You must enable the parallel port in order to enter the Parallel Port Setup options and
print to the parallel port.
Network Setup
Port Setup
Parallel Port Setup
Enable Parallel Port
No/ Yes [No]
Select Yes if you want to print through the parallel port. You can connect a single
PC-compatible computer to the parallel port and print directly to the
NOTE: Enabling the parallel port does not conflict with using Ethernet or Token
Ring communication with the DocuColor.
Port Timeout in Seconds
5-60 [5]
This option appears only if Enable Parallel Port is set to Yes. Your setting determines
how long the DocuColor waits without receiving data from the parallel port before
deciding that the current job is complete. Until the timeout, the DocuColor cannot
receive new jobs through the parallel port, but it can continue to receive network print
2-14 Setting up the DocuColor
Ignore EOF Character
Yes/ No [No]
This option appears only if Enable Parallel Port is set to Yes. This option specifies that
the DocuColor should ignore end-of-file (EOF) messages in a file. This option must be
set to Yes to print PostScript files in binary format (not ASCII); under normal circum-
stances, it should be set to No. When this option is set to Yes, the DocuColor uses the
parallel port timeout value to determine when the end of the file has been reached.
When you have configured the port options, choose another port type, or choose Exit
Port Setup and proceed to Protocol Setup.
Protocol Setup options
To configure the DocuColor, choose each protocol and enter the settings for that
protocol. You can enable TCP/IP and IPX/SPX communication simultaneously.
TCP/ IP Setup options
To configure the DocuColor for TCP/IP, choose TCP/IP Setup.
Exit Protocol Setup
TCP/IP Setup
Protocol Setup
Choose Ethernet Setup and enter the appropriate settings. Choose each network
type you use (Ethernet and/or Token Ring) and enter the appropriate settings.
Token Ring Setup appears as an option only if you have enabled Token Ring in Port
Setup. If your network uses a gateway, enter the gateway address in Gateway Setup.
Exit TCP/IP Setup
Ethernet Setup
Token Ring Setup
Gateway Setup
TCP/IP Setup
NOTE: If TCP/IP is running on both an Ethernet and a Token Ring network, it is
assumed that the two networks are already routed to each other. The DocuColor
does not function as a router.
2-15 Network Setup options
TCP/ IP Setup with Ethernet
Ethernet Setup
Network Setup
Protocol Setup
TCP/ IP Setup
Enable TCP/ IP for Ethernet
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes if you have a TCP/IP network connected to the DocuColor over Ethernet
You need to enable TCP/IP for Ethernet to use the WebTools over Ethernet. If you
are using TCP/IP for printing from Windows NT workstations, enabling
TCP/IP here also enables you to use the remote utilities from Windows NT
workstations using TCP/IP protocols.
IP Address
Enter the DocuColor IP address for Ethernet. The DocuColor is shipped with an
invalid IP address. If you plan to print with TCP/IP, you must first assign the Docu-
Color a unique, valid IP address. For information about setting up printing with
TCP/IP, see Chapter 3.
Subnet Mask
This option lets you modify the subnet mask for printing with TCP/IP over Ethernet.
The subnet mask is set to by default. If you set the IP address and you
need to set the subnet mask, enter one of the following values:
•—If the IP address starts with a number less than 128.
•—If the IP address starts with a number from 128 through 191.
•—If the IP address starts with a number greater than 191.
2-16 Setting up the DocuColor
If your TCP/IP network has a gateway, and users outside the gateway plan to print
to the DocuColor using TCP/IP, choose Gateway Setup and enter the gateway
address here.
Exit TCP/IP Setup
Ethernet Setup
Token Ring Setup
Gateway Setup
TCP/IP Setup
The gateway address applies to either a Token Ring or an Ethernet network. If
TCP/IP is running on both an Ethernet and a Token Ring network, the gateway
address you enter has to match the network number of either the Ethernet or the
Token Ring network.
Network Setup
Protocol Setup
TCP/ IP Setup
Gateway Setup
Gateway Address
Use this option to set the gateway address for printing with TCP/IP. By default, the
loopback address,, is set. (The loopback address is a specially reserved
address that allows for certain TCP/IP diagnostic tests to be run without being con-
nected to a network.)
Choose the next network type or choose Exit TCP/IP Setup and proceed to Service
TCP/ IP Setup with Token Ring
Enable TCP/IP for Token Ring, and enter the IP address and subnet mask. Then, if
your TCP/IP network has a gateway, and users outside the gateway plan to print to the
2-17 Network Setup options
DocuColor using TCP/IP, choose Gateway Setup and enter the gateway address (see
page 2-16).
Network Setup
Protocol Setup
TCP/ IP Setup
Token Ring Setup
Enable TCP/ IP for Token Ring
Yes/ No [No]
Select Yes if you have a TCP/IP network connected to the DocuColor over Token
If you use Token Ring, enabling TCP/IP for Token Ring is required for enabling the
NOTE: If you are using TCP/IP for printing from Windows NT workstations,
enabling TCP/IP here also enables you to use the remote utilities from
Windows NT workstations using TCP/IP protocols.
IP Address
Enter the DocuColor IP address for Token Ring. The DocuColor is shipped with an
invalid IP address. If you plan to print with TCP/IP, you must first assign the Docu-
Color a unique, valid IP address. For information about setting up printing with
TCP/IP, see Chapter 3.
Subnet Mask
This option lets you modify the subnet mask for printing with TCP/IP over Token
Ring. The subnet mask is set to by default.
If you set the IP address and you need to set the subnet mask, enter one of the follow-
ing values:
•—If the IP address starts with a number less than 128.
•—If the IP address starts with a number from 128 through 191.
•—If the IP address starts with a number greater than 191.
2-18 Setting up the DocuColor
IPX/ SPX Setup options
To configure the DocuColor for IPX/SPX protocols, choose IPX/SPX Setup from
the Protocol Setup menu.
Exit Protocol Setup
TCP/IP Setup
Protocol Setup
Select Frame Types
Exit IPX/SPX Setup
Select Frame Types
Clear Frame Types
Choose Select Frame Types. You must choose at least one frame type to enable
IPX/SPX protocols. The DocuColor supports the following frame types for
• for Ethernet—Ethernet 802.2, Ethernet 802.3, Ethernet II, and Ethernet SNAP
• for Token Ring—Token Ring and Token Ring SNAP
The frame selection screen allows you to make multiple selections. Depending on
your Port Setup selection, only Ethernet frame types, only Token Ring frame types,
or all frame types are displayed. Press the line selection button beside each frame
type used on your IPX/SPX network. An asterisk (*) appears beside each selected
frame type. (Press the line selection button again to deselect a frame type.) Use the
arrow keys to scroll to additional frame types. The DocuColor binds to each frame
type as you select it.
Exit IPX/SPX Setup
Ethernet 802.2
Ethernet 802.3
Ethernet II
When you have selected all the frame types used, choose Exit IPX/SPX Setup.
Clear Frame Types
If you selected several frame types by mistake, you can clear them all at once by
choosing Exit IPX/SPX Setup, then choosing IPX/SPX Setup and selecting Clear
Frame Types.
For protocols other than IPX/SPX, the frame type is automatically enabled and does
not require setup, as follows:
This frame type is
automatically enabled:
With this protocol:
And these printing services:
TCP/IP with Ethernet
LPD (Line Printer Daemon)
Ethernet II
TCP/IP with Token Ring LPD (Line Printer Daemon)
Token Ring SNAP
2-19 Network Setup options
Service Setup options
Network Service Setup has options for TCP/IP and IPX/SPX networks.
Exit Network Setup
Port Setup
Protocol Setup
Service Setup
Network Setup
• For TCP/IP, LPD Setup enables lpd printing. Web Services Setup enables the http
protocol and, therefore, use of the WebTools. Windows Setup enables the Microsoft
SMB protocol, which supports peer to peer printing, also known as WINS or
Windows printing.
• For IPX/SPX networks, PServer Setup allows you to enter the names of the Novell
objects that are concerned with DocuColor print jobs. PServer is a program in the
DocuColor that services all the Novell print queues assigned to the Novell print
servers you have set up for printing to the DocuColor. When you choose PServer
Setup and enable PServer, you can set up NDS (Novell Directory Services), Bindery
Services, or both. NDS is used with NetWare 4.x; Bindery Services are used with
NetWare 3.x or with NetWare 4.x in bindery emulation mode.
NOTE: Due to its length, the description of PServer Setup options is intentionally
placed at the end of this section (after the description of Web Services Setup options).
This differs from the order in which the options appear in the Control Panel display.
LPD Setup options
Network Setup
Service Setup
LPD Setup
Enable LPD
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes to allow lpd printing. See “Setting up the DocuColor on TCP/IP
networks” on page 3-31 for more information.
2-20 Setting up the DocuColor
Windows Setup options
Network Setup
Service Setup
Windows Setup
Enable Windows Printing
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes to enable Windows printing.
Enabling Windows Printing enables SMB (Server Message Block), the built-in
Microsoft file and printer sharing protocol. Enabling SMB allows the DocuColor to
be listed on the network so that Windows clients can print to a particular queue
(Print or Direct) on the DocuColor without any other networking software.
Use WINS Name Server
Yes/ No [No]
Broadcasts from SMB devices cannot be routed. A WINS name server is necessary to
carry the broadcast into all network segments. Setting up the WINS name server is
outside the scope of this manual. To find out if a name server is available, contact your
MIS department.
WINS IP Address
This option appears only if you choose Yes for WINS Name Server. Enter the IP
address of the WINS Name Server.
Server Name
Default Name
The server name is the name that will appear on the network. It can, but does not have
to, be the same name as the server name assigned in Server Setup (see page 2-7).
Server Comments
Server comments (optional) can contain information about the printer.
Workgroup or Domain
Enter the domain you want the DocuColor to appear in.
2-21 Network Setup options
Web Services Setup
Network Setup
Service Setup
Web Services Setup
Enable Web Services
Yes/ No [No]
Select Yes if TCP/IP is enabled on the DocuColor and on user workstations, and
you wish to make the WebTools available to users (see page 3-28). The WebTools
include WebSpooler and Installer. A Java-enabled Web browser and a valid IP
address are required for each user. See the User Guide for details on browser choice
and workstation requirements.
NOTE: You must publish the Print queue to use the WebTools (see page 2-33).
PServer Setup options
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Enable PServer
Yes/ No [No]
Select Yes if you have a Novell network connected to the DocuColor.
Choose NDS Setup if your network uses NetWare 4.x in native mode. Choose
Bindery Setup if your network uses NetWare 3.x or uses NetWare 4.x in bindery
emulation mode.
Exit PServer Setup
NDS Setup
Bindery Setup
Polling Interval
PServer Setup
If your network uses both NDS and Bindery, set up NDS first. Setting up NDS
after Bindery will overwrite Bindery Setup.
If your network uses both NDS and Bindery, and uses NetWare 4.x servers in
bindery emulation, note that the DocuColor cannot service NDS and bindery
emulation servers on the same NDS tree.
2-22 Setting up the DocuColor
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
NDS Setup
Before entering NDS settings, be sure the DocuColor is connected to the network
and you have already configured an NDS directory tree with a Printer, a Print
Server, and one or more Print Queue objects for DocuColor jobs (see page 3-4). To
perform NDS Setup you may need permission to browse the NDS tree. If access to
the Print Server is restricted, you’ll need a login password.
The main objective of NDS Setup is to specify the Print Server object. In addition,
you can indicate the location of the DocuColor print queues.
Note that the terms NetWare server, Novell server, and IPX server are in common
use and are used here interchangeably to mean the server on an IPX network
running Novell NetWare networking software.
Enable NDS
No/ Yes [No]
Select Yes if the NetWare servers you will use to print to the DocuColor are running
NetWare 4.x in native mode.
Select NDS Tree
[List of trees]
Use the arrow keys to browse the list of NDS trees available to the DocuColor. Choose
OK when you have displayed the tree that contains the Printer, Print Server, and print
queue objects you have previously defined for the DocuColor.
Your new NDS tree selection automatically overwrites any previous tree selection. If
you change the NDS tree selection and there are also current Bindery settings, you are
alerted that they will be deleted. If you continue with NDS Setup, you can replace
Bindery settings afterwards. To exit NDS Setup, choose Cancel or choose No in the
confirmation screen.
2-23 Network Setup options
Is user login needed
to browse NDS tree?
Yes/ No [No]
Select No if no password is required to browse the tree. You can proceed to navigate to
the Print Server object (see page 2-24).
Select Yes if network permissions require that you log in to browse the NDS tree and
see the Print Server object you want to select. If you select Yes, you are prompted to
navigate to the User Login object.
Navigate the NDS
tree to the User
Login object.
This message is displayed if you selected Yes for the previous option. Choose OK and
browse the NDS tree as described in the following paragraphs.
NDS Tree name
Object list, “..”
Browsing to find the User Login object begins with the NDS tree that you selected
previously (with Select NDS Tree). Use the up and down arrow buttons to scroll a list of
objects in the tree beneath the [Root] in the hierarchy, or use the navigation symbol
“..” to go up one level at a time.
In each subsequent browse screen, the top line represents your current location. The
second line contains:
• A list of objects in the current container directly below your current location
• The symbol “..” to go up one level.
With an object selected, choose OK to travel down the tree, or choose “..” to go up the
tree. When you select an object and choose OK, that object is then displayed on the top
line, and the second line lists objects directly below it.
Continue to browse the NDS tree until the User Login object is displayed in the sec-
ond line. Choose OK.
2-24 Setting up the DocuColor
Enter Password
Enter the login password for the NDS tree, using the up and down arrow buttons to
select characters, and the left and right arrow buttons to move the cursor. Choose OK.
Navigate the NDS
tree to the Print
Press OK to browse the NDS tree to the Print Server object.
Browsing to find the Print Server object begins with the NDS tree that you selected
previously (with Select NDS Tree). In each subsequent browse screen, the top line repre-
sents your current location. The second line contains:
• A list of objects in the current container directly below your current location
• The symbol “..” to go up one level.
With a container object selected, choose OK to travel down the tree, or choose “..” to
go up the tree. When you select an object and choose OK, that object is then displayed
on the top line, and the second line lists objects directly below it.
When the Print Server is displayed in the second line, choose OK.
Enter Print Server
Enter the Print Server password, using the up and down arrow buttons to enter charac-
ters, and the left and right arrow buttons to move the cursor. Choose OK. (If no pass-
word is required, choose OK.)
Server should look
for print queues in:
2-25 Network Setup options
Entire NDS Tree/ Specified subtree [Entire NDS Tree]
By default, the DocuColor searches the entire NDS tree for DocuColor print queues.
Queue root) in which the DocuColor print queues have been defined. This makes the
search more efficient. Select Entire NDS tree if the tree is small. Select Specified subtree
to restrict the search and specify the subtree.
If you select Entire NDS tree, choosing OK returns to PServer Setup. Proceed with Bind-
ery Setup (see page 2-26), set the Polling Interval (see page 2-30), or choose Exit
PServer Setup to return to the Service Setup menu.
Browse to the root
of the Print Queue
This message is displayed if you selected Specified subtree in the previous option.
Choose OK to browse the NDS tree to the Print Queue subtree.
Browsing to find the Print Server object begins with the NDS tree that you selected
previously (with Select NDS Tree). In each subsequent browse screen, the top line repre-
sents your current container. The second line contains:
• A list of objects directly below your current location
• The symbol “..” to go up one level
• The symbol “.” to select the current container object (displayed in the top line)
without traveling down the tree
With an object selected, choose OK to travel down the tree, or choose “..” to go up the
tree. When you select an object and choose OK, that object is then displayed on the top
line, and the second line lists objects contained within.
When the container that contains print queues is displayed in the second line, choose
When the DocuColor displays the container name, choose OK to return to PServer
Proceed with Bindery Setup (see page 2-26), set the Polling Interval (see page 2-30), or
choose Exit PServer Setup to return to the Service Setup menu.
2-26 Setting up the DocuColor
Bindery Setup options
Bindery Setup
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Use Bindery Setup if you have already configured one or more bindery servers (file
servers running NetWare 3.12 or NetWare 4.x in bindery emulation) with a Print
Server and a Print Queue for DocuColor jobs (see page 3-6). Before entering
bindery settings, be sure the DocuColor is connected to the network and the
NetWare file server is running. You’ll need a login name, and, if access to the file
server or print server is restricted, you’ll need a login password.
NOTE: The terms NetWare server, Novell server, and IPX file server are in common
use and are used here interchangeably to mean the server on an IPX network
running Novell NetWare networking software.
Bindery Setup menu
Because you can set up more than one Novell server to handle DocuColor print
jobs, an additional menu is displayed for this purpose. The options are:
• Add File Server—creates a new file server connection to the DocuColor. You can
set up a maximum of eight file server connections. After you have finished adding
a new server, you return to the Bindery Setup menu, and you can set up another
server if you wish.
Exit Bindery Setup
Add File Server
View Server List
Edit Connection
Bindery Setup
• View Server List—displays the list of file servers that have already been selected to
communicate with the DocuColor.
Remove File Server
Bindery Setup
• Edit Connection—lets you change the NetWare Print Server that will print to the
• Remove File Server—lets you disconnect the DocuColor from a file server to
which it is currently connected. Remove a file server when you want to reduce the
number of connections to the DocuColor or re-assign the connection to a
different NetWare file server.
• Exit Bindery Setup—after you added all servers, viewed a list of file servers, or
removed a file server from the list.
2-27 Network Setup options
NOTE: If you change your mind about any of the menus you have selected, you can use
the Menu button to escape and return to the main Bindery Setup menu. To cancel all
changes you must exit Network Setup.
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Bindery Setup
Add File Server
This option gives you two ways to add a Novell NetWare file server.
Select File Server
From List/ Search Name
You may select the file server from a scrollable list, or by a name search. Choose
From List if your network doesn’t have a large number of file servers. Select Search
Name if the number of file servers is so large that scrolling through the list would take
a long time.
If you selected From List:
If you selected Search Name:
Add Server
Enter First Letters of Server Name
[list of all servers]
Use the up and down arrows on the arrow
button to enter the first letters of the
name of the file server you want to use,
and choose OK.
The DocuColor obtains a list of NetWare
file servers by querying the IPX network.
Use the up and down arrows to select a
NetWare file server from the list. Choose
the server on which you have configured
a print server and print queue to handle
DocuColor print jobs.
Add Server
[list of servers matching the search]
This option is displayed if you entered
letters to search. Scroll to select the server
you want from the list.
Once you have chosen a file server, the DocuColor immediately tries to log in as a
guest without a password. If it succeeds, it skips to the NetWare Print Server option.
If you try to add a file server but all DocuColor connections are already being used,
you are prompted to remove a file server (see “Remove File Server” on page 2-30).
2-28 Setting up the DocuColor
File Server Login
administrator/ supervisor/ Enter Login Name [supervisor]
This option appears only if a password is required for login. Choose Enter Login Name
to enter your own login name and password or to log in as a guest. Choose administra-
tor or supervisor if you have those privileges.
Enter Your Login Name
This option and the next only appear if you selected Enter Login Name for the File
Server Login. Enter your login name or select guest.
Enter Your File Server Password
Enter the password for logging in to your NetWare file server. If you enter the pass-
word incorrectly, you are prompted to re-enter it.
NetWare Print Server
[list of print servers on selected file server]
This option appears only if there is more than one print server defined on the selected
Novell file server. From the list of print server names, select the name of the print
server that you have configured in the NetWare utility PCONSOLE. This is the print
server that will route print jobs to the DocuColor from computers on IPX networks.
Enter Your Print Server Password
This option appears only if your NetWare print server is set up to require you to log in
with a password. Enter your print server password.
Choose Add Server again until you have connected each NetWare file server you have
configured for printing to the DocuColor. When you have added all the IPX file serv-
ers for your site, choose Exit Bindery Setup.
2-29 Network Setup options
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Bindery Setup
View Server List
Supported Servers
This option lets you view the list of file servers currently connected to the
DocuColor, that is, servers you have added in Bindery Setup. You are notified if
there are none. When you choose OK, you return to the Bindery Setup menu.
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Bindery Setup
Edit Connection
On each connected NetWare file server, you have defined a print server to handle
DocuColor print jobs. Use this option to change the print server assigned to the
Choose File Server
[File server name]
From the list of connected NetWare file servers, choose the file server whose print
server you wish to change.
NetWare Print Server
[List of print servers on selected file server]
Choose the name of the print server that you now wish to use. This is the print server
that will route print jobs to the DocuColor from computers on IPX networks.
If you change your mind, press the Menu button to return to the Bindery Setup menu
without making a change.
Enter Your Print Server Password
This option appears only if your NetWare print server is set up to require you to log in
with a password. Enter your print server password.
2-30 Setting up the DocuColor
The Bindery Setup menu is displayed again.You can edit other connections, choose
another Bindery Setup option, or choose Exit Bindery Setup.
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Bindery Setup
Remove File Server
Remove support for
[File server name]
Allows you to select a NetWare file server from a list of connected file servers and
remove the connection to it. You are notified that you have removed the
connection, and the Bindery Setup menu is displayed again. If you change your
mind and don’t want to remove any of the file servers, press the Menu button.
You can choose another Bindery Setup option (such as adding another file server) or
choose Exit Bindery Setup and proceed to set the polling interval.
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Bindery Setup
Exit Bindery Setup
Choose Exit Bindery Setup after you have viewed a list of IPX file servers, removed a
file server from the list, connected all the configured NetWare file servers, or set the
polling interval. After you select Exit Bindery Setup, you return to the PServer Setup
Polling Interval options
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Polling Interval
Whether you are using NDS or Bindery services, you may choose Polling Interval
from the main PServer Setup menu. If you do not reset the interval, the default value
of 15 seconds is used.
2-31 Network Setup options
NetWare Server Poll Interval in Seconds
1-3600 [15]
Specify the interval, in seconds, at which the DocuColor communicates with the Nov-
ell print server to see if there are print jobs waiting.
NOTE: If you select a short interval, the amount of network traffic increases. This may
slow down other network jobs.
Exit Service Setup
This returns you to the main Network Setup menu.
Save Changes
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes to activate any changes made in Network Setup; select No to return to the
main Setup menu without making any changes.
DocuColor printing connections
In DocuColor Printer setup you decide how the DocuColor manages print jobs by
deciding which printing connections should be “published” to users over the network.
The Direct connection and Print queue are constantly checked for the presence of jobs.
If you don’t want users to print to a connection, don’t publish it.
The DocuColor publishes two types of connections: the Direct connection and the
Print queue. You must publish at least one connection to the DocuColor.
Direct connection
Jobs are transmitted to the DocuColor Direct connection only when the DocuColor is
ready to print. They remain at the sending workstation until the DocuColor is ready,
and are processed as soon as a prior job is finished, before the next queued job is
Jobs sent to the Direct connection are not stored on the DocuColor hard disk. The
jobs appear in the Spooler or WebSpooler displays of current jobs, but they cannot be
selected for reprinting, moving or deletion. Therefore the Direct connection provides a
measure of security for sensitive files.
2-32 Setting up the DocuColor
If you plan to download fonts to the DocuColor via the network, you must publish the
Direct connection.
NOTE: You cannot use the Direct connection for lpd printing over TCP/IP.
A queue is a storage area for print jobs. Queues are particularly useful when many print
jobs are being sent to the DocuColor. When a job is printed to a DocuColor queue, it
is stored on the DocuColor hard disk rather than the user’s hard disk, quickly freeing
up the user’s workstation.
The DocuColor hard disk supports two queues (Print and Printed). Users may print to
the Print queue only.
• Print queue—This is the standard DocuColor queue. The DocuColor prints jobs
from the Print queue in the order in which they were received. If you plan to use the
• Printed queue—The Printed queue is a job storage area on the DocuColor disk; it
contains the most recent jobs printed from the Print queue. The Printed queue
makes it convenient to reprint those jobs. A Server Setup option enables this queue
and governs the maximum number of jobs retained in it at any given time (see
page 2-8). Reprinting jobs in this queue requires the Spooler or WebSpooler.
Printer Setup options
Printer Setup configures the connections and printing behavior associated with a
particular printing device.
1. In the main Setup menu, choose Printer Setup.
Exit Setup
Server Setup
Network Setup
Printer Setup
2. Enter the options appropriate to the printing requirements at the site and the network
protocol or protocols you use.
3. When you have finished, save changes.
2-33 Network Setup options
Printer Setup includes:
• Specifying the copier model
• Publishing the Direct connection and Print queue
In the list of options that follows, default values, where applicable, appear in square
Printer Model
[Model name]
Use this option to specify the model of copier connected to the DocuColor. This
option appears if more than one model is supported by the software and the currently
selected video card on the server.
Publish Direct Connection
Yes/ No [Yes]
This option enables users to print (or download) jobs to the DocuColor without
spooling. Note that jobs printed to the Direct connection are not saved in the Printed
If you plan to download fonts from any system to the DocuColor, you must publish
the Direct connection. If you do not want users to print to Direct, choose No.
Publish Print Queue
Yes/ No [Yes]
This option enables users to print (or download) jobs to the Print queue. Jobs that are
printed to the Print queue are spooled to the DocuColor disk and printed on a first-in,
first-out basis. Only queues published in the Printer Setup are available to remote
If you plan to print to the DocuColor over a TCP/IP network or use the remote utili-
ties or the WebTools, you must publish the Print queue.
Save Changes
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes to activate any changes made in the Printer Setup; select No to return to the
main Setup menu without making any changes.
2-34 Setting up the DocuColor
PS Setup options
PS (PostScript) Setup options allow you to set defaults for copier behavior. Some of
these defaults can be overridden from within an application.
1. In the main Setup menu, choose PS Setup.
2. Enter the options appropriate to the printing requirements at the site.
3. When you have finished, save changes.
In the list of options that follows, default values, where applicable, appear in square
Default Paper Sizes
US/ Metric [default depends on language]
Specify whether to print on US paper sizes (for example, letter, legal, tabloid), or Metric
paper sizes (for example, A4, A3) by default. When no page size is defined within a
PostScript file, jobs are printed on Letter paper if you selected US, or A4 paper if you
selected Metric.
Convert Paper Sizes
No Letter/ 11x17->A4/ A3 A4/ A3->Letter/ 11x17 [No]
Specify whether to convert paper sizes in documents automatically to the default paper
sizes specified. For example, if you selected Letter/ 11x17->A4/ A3, a letter size docu-
ment would automatically be printed on A4 paper. If you select No, the server only
prints the document if it finds a media source in the size specified by the file.
Print Cover Page
No/ Yes [No]
Use this option to specify whether the DocuColor prints a cover (job summary) page
at the end of each print job. If you select Yes, each print job is followed by a page con-
taining the name of the user who sent the job, the document name, the color server
name, the time the job was printed, the number of pages printed, and the status of the
job. If a PostScript error occurred and the Print up to PostScript Error option is set to
Yes, the status entry will be the PostScript error message.
NOTE: If you intend to download fonts, be sure to set this option to No.
2-35 PS Setup options
Allow Courier Substitution
Yes/ No [Yes]
Specify whether to substitute Courier for fonts that are unavailable when you down-
load PostScript files to the DocuColor, or when you print a document for which you
do not have the corresponding printer font. If this option is set to No, jobs with fonts
that are not available on the DocuColor hard drive generate a PostScript error and do
not print.
Print to PS Error
No/ Yes [No]
Use this option to specify whether the DocuColor should print the available portion of
a print job when it encounters a PostScript error. Select Yes to print the portion of the
job that was processed before the error occurred; select No to cancel the print job
entirely when a PostScript error is encountered. We recommend leaving this option at
No unless you encounter printing problems.
NOTE: If you intend to download fonts, be sure to set this option to No.
Enable Bypass Tray as Default
No/ Yes [No]
Select Yes to specify that jobs should be printed from the bypass tray. Use this option
to enable printing from the bypass tray when tray selection is not otherwise available in
the interface, such as when printing from the command line (lpr or DOS). In general,
select No when the interface permits tray selection on a job-by-job basis.
Enable Sorter as Default
No/ Yes [No]
Select Yes to specify that jobs should be sorted by default. Use this option to enable
sorting when the Sorter option is not otherwise available in the interface, such as when
printing from the command line (lpr or DOS). In general, select No when the interface
permits sorting on a job-by-job basis.
Save Changes
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes to activate any changes made in the PS Setup; select No to return to the main
Setup menu without making any changes.
2-36 Setting up the DocuColor
Color Setup options
Color setup options allow you to set the parameters the DocuColor uses to control
color output.
1. In the main Setup menu, choose Color Setup.
2. Enter the options appropriate to the printing requirements at the site.
In the list of options that follows, default values, where applicable, appear in square
Default CRD
Photographic/ Presentation/ Solid [Presentation]
The CRD (Color Rendering Dictionary) used defines how color will be converted
from RGB data to printed output. Photographic mode, designed for images, retains
the relative balance between colors to maintain the overall appearance of the image.
Presentation mode, designed for bright colors, produces the saturated prints needed for
most business presentations but handles continuous tone images the same way the
Photographic mode does. Solid mode, designed for spot colors, retains the absolute
value of each color. This is particularly useful for images such as corporate logos.
2-37 Color Setup options
Administrative functions in the Setup menu
The remaining options in the Setup menu are intended to help you manage print jobs
and color output, but are not required for printing:
• In Job Log Setup you specify whether you want the DocuColor to print and clear its
log of printed jobs automatically. See the next section for details.
• Calibration enables you to calibrate the DocuColor from the server and lets you pre-
view the results of calibration. It also lets you remove a calibration. See the User
Guide for a detailed explanation of calibration.
• Change Password enables you to create or change an administrator password on the
DocuColor so that casual users cannot enter the Setup menus and change
DocuColor settings without permission. In addition, an administrator password
controls remote job management functions via the Spooler and the WebSpooler. A
password created using the Setup menu prevents DocuColor users from reprinting
print jobs, moving print jobs (changing their priority or their queue), and deleting
or configuring jobs, other than their own. See the User Guide for details.
• Clear Server clears all queued print jobs from the server—jobs in the DocuColor
Print and Printed queues. The Job Log is cleared at the same time. If an administra-
tor password has been set, unauthorized users will not see this command (or any of
the administrative or Setup options).
DocuColor Job Log Setup
The DocuColor Job Log is a record of all jobs processed or printed on the DocuColor,
whether they originate from a user workstation, a networked server, the DocuColor, or
a computer attached to the parallel port. The Job Log can be printed at any time from
the server or remotely from a workstation running the Spooler or WebSpooler.
The printed Job Log lists accounting information about each job including user name,
document name, time and date printed, and number of pages.
By default, the Job Log is not printed automatically or cleared automatically. You can
change these defaults in Job Log Setup. You can also clear the Job Log from the Spooler
or WebSpooler.
2-38 Setting up the DocuColor
Scroll the second screen of the main Setup menu to choose Job Log Setup.
Enter the options as described below. When you have finished, save changes.
PS Setup
Color Setup
Job Log Setup
Job Log Setup options
Default values for the following options, where applicable, appear in square brackets.
Auto Print Job Log Every 55 Jobs
Yes/ No [No]
Use this option to specify whether you want the DocuColor to print the Job Log after
every 55 jobs. If accounting for each printed page is important at your site, and an
administrator checks the printed output, set the Job Log for automatic printing.
Auto Clear Job Log Every 55 Jobs
Yes/ No [No]
Use this option to specify whether to clear the Job Log after every 55 jobs. If you do
not enable this option, and do not clear the Job Log from the DocuColor or the
Spooler or WebSpooler, the DocuColor saves a record of all jobs.
NOTE: In addition to Auto Clearing or manual clearing through the Spooler or Web-
Spooler, the Job Log (together with all queued jobs) is also cleared when you choose
Clear Server from the main Setup menu, when system software is reinstalled, or when
a new version of system software is installed on the DocuColor.
Job Log Page Size
Tabloid/ A3 Letter/ A4 [Tabloid/ A3]
Select the paper size for printing the Job Log. Fifty-five jobs are listed on a page,
regardless of page size. The paper size used depends on the Default Paper Sizes setting
in the Printer Setup. If the Default Paper Sizes setting is US, the Job Log is printed on
tabloid or letter size paper, with tabloid the default.
Save Changes
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes to activate any changes made in the Job Log Setup; select No to return to the
main Setup menu without making any changes.
2-39 Color Setup options
The Calibration menu lets you calibrate the copier from the copier glass using
AutoCal™ (automatic calibration). The Calibration menu also lets you remove the
current calibration. When the DocuColor is calibrated, a color correction curve is
applied to every color document that is processed for printing.
Calibration is based on a set of density measurements and a series of target density
values for specific color patches. Calibration compensates for the difference between
measured values and target values.
Normally you create a calibration by specifying a standard target to use with measure-
ments that you took or measurements that you previously stored on the DocuColor.
You can also specify an alternative target to be used with the current measurements.
You don’t need new measurements to calibrate with an alternative target. When you
choose Apply/ Overwrite Calibration, the currently specified target will be used with the
latest measurements on the color server.
1. If this is the first time you are setting up the DocuColor, complete Server Setup, Net-
work Setup, Printer Setup, PS Setup, and Color Setup, and Save Changes before you
perform a calibration.
2. When the DocuColor displays the Idle screen, press the Menu button on the Control
Panel to go to the Functions menu.
3. Press the down arrow to view the second screen of the Functions menu.
4. In the second screen, press the button to choose Reboot Server.
5. At the startup message, press any button.
6. Choose Run Setup to access all Setup menus.
7. Scroll to the second screen of the main Setup menu to choose Calibration.
PS Setup
Color Setup
Job Log Setup
2-40 Setting up the DocuColor
When you choose Calibration from the main Setup menu, the following menu is dis-
Exit Calibration
Set Up Calibration
Remove Calibration
8. Choose Setup Calibration, and choose a tray.
You must use Letter/A4 size paper, but you can choose whether you want the paper to
feed from a paper tray or via Bypass (manual feed). For more information, see the User
9. Choose Calibrate, and perform calibration as described below.
For more information, see the User Guide.
Calibration options are summarized below. See the User Guide for calibration
procedures and a fuller explanation of calibration options. You can print a
Configuration page at the server to find out when the DocuColor was last calibrated.
The Start page also contains this information. (To print a Configuration page from a
DocuColor at Idle status, press the Menu button to display the Functions screen, scroll
down to select Print Pages, and select Configuration.)
Canceling calibration. If any problems arise during calibration, press the Menu but-
ton to escape to the Calibration menu.
Select Target
Copier Target/ Linear [Copier Target]
The Copier Target calibrates the DocuColor to its defined optimums. The linear target
calibrates the DocuColor to a generic standard. Using the Copier Target is strongly rec-
Print Measurement Page
Yes/ No [Yes]
Choose this option to print a page of known color data for measurement. You are noti-
fied that the copier is printing a measurement page without calibration.
The copier prints a page of graduated colors that you place on the copier glass.
2-41 Color Setup options
Measure Page
Yes/ No [Yes]
Select Yes to measure the colors on the measurement page. You are prompted to posi-
tion the page on the copier and press OK.
If you select No, measurement is skipped and the Print Comparison Page option is dis-
Print Comparison Page
Yes/ No [Yes]
Specify Yes if you want the DocuColor to print a page with two versions of a set of test
images, one version using a calibration based on your most recent measurements and
the selected target, and one with no calibration.
Apply/ Overwrite Calibration?
Yes/ No [Yes]
Choose Yes if you are satisfied with the calibration shown in the comparison page. The
newest calibration overwrites any previous one.
Choose No if for any reason you are not satisfied; you return to the main Calibration
This affects all users. Continue?
Yes/ No [Yes]
This is a reminder that calibration is a global setting; if you overwrite calibration, every
print job is affected by the new calibration.
If you choose Yes, calibration is overwritten and you return to the main Calibration
screen. If you are finished, choose Exit Calibration. The DocuColor reboots.
If you choose No, calibration is not overwritten, and you return to the main Calibra-
tion screen.
Remove Calibration
Choose Remove Calibration when you wish to return the server to a default state. You
do not need to remove a calibration before applying a new calibration.
2-42 Setting up the DocuColor
This affects all users. Continue?
Yes/ No [Yes]
This option is a reminder that calibration is a global setting; if you remove calibration,
every print job is affected by your action.
If you choose Yes, the current calibration is removed and you return to the main Cali-
bration screen. If you are finished, choose Exit Calibration. The DocuColor reboots.
If you choose No, the calibration is not removed, but you still return to the main Cali-
bration screen.
Exit Calibration
When you choose Exit Calibration, the DocuColor reboots.
Change Password
Change Password enables you to set or change the administrator password for the
DocuColor. The password determines whether a user can modify the Setup options,
and whether a user has system administrator control over jobs in the Spooler and
WebSpooler queues.
Using the Spooler or WebSpooler, users can move, delete, and configure their own
print jobs; the DocuColor system administrator (or anyone with administrator pass-
word access) can move, delete, and configure jobs for all users, and can re-order jobs
within a queue.
When the DocuColor is installed, there is no password. If you do not create a pass-
word, users are not required to enter a password to modify the Setup or use the admin-
istrator functions in the Spooler or WebSpooler.
If a password has been set previously, you are required to enter it right after Start Up,
when you choose Run Setup. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the characters
and the left and right arrows to move between them (see page 2-6).
Scroll to the third screen of the main Setup menu to choose Change Password.
Change Password
Clear Server
Enter and confirm the password as described below.
2-43 Color Setup options
New Password
Use the up and down arrow keys to select the characters and the left and right arrows
to move between them. Enter characters from left to right, since the left arrow line
selection key is a delete key. The password can be any combination of letters and num-
bers up to 19 characters. Choose OK when you are done. Be sure to write down the
password. The only way to remove a password that you can’t remember is to reinstall
system software.
Verify New Password
Enter the new password again exactly as before to verify that you have entered it cor-
rectly. If you make a mistake, you are prompted to enter the password again. The new
password is effective until you change it again.
Clear Server
Clear Server enables you to clear all queued print jobs from the server—jobs in the
DocuColor Print and Printed queues. The Job Log is cleared at the same time. If you
keep Job Logs, be sure to print or export the Job Log before you choose Clear Server.
Jobs can also be deleted, individually or as a group, from the Spooler or WebSpooler.
Note that jobs printed to the Direct connection are not stored on the DocuColor at all.
Scroll to the third screen of the main Setup menu to choose Clear Server.
Change Password
Clear Server
Choose Clear Server if you want to clear all queued print jobs and the Job Log from
the server. You are asked to confirm your selection.
Exit Setup
Choose Exit Setup from the first screen of the main Setup menu when you have
finished making Setup changes.
Exit Setup
Server Setup
Network Setup
Printer Setup
The DocuColor reboots and any changes you saved during Setup take effect.
3-1 DocuColor on an IPX network
This chapter describes environments that typically include one or more network
servers—Novell NetWare servers and Windows NT servers—that will share printing to
the DocuColor Color Server. It describes setting up servers that use IPX/SPX or
TCP/IP protocols for communicating with the DocuColor. In addition, it includes
some guidelines for setting up direct communication from Windows NT workstations
and UNIX workstations, where a network server is optional. The chapter also outlines
the requirements for network clients to print to the DocuColor and to run the remote
utilities and the WebTools.
Chapter 3:
Setting up
Network Servers
If your network is based on Windows NT, skip to page 3-18. If your network includes
UNIX workstations, skip to page 3-29.
NOTE: Setting up a NetWare environment correctly requires the presence and active
cooperation of the Novell network administrator. You must have administrator privi-
leges on the network to create new NDS or bindery objects.
DocuColor on an IPX network
The NEST (Novell Embedded Systems Technology) software built into the
DocuColor supports the following network operating environments:
• NetWare 4.x—NDS
• NetWare 3.12—Bindery services
• Servers running NetWare 4.x in bindery emulation mode
The term “bindery server” is used to refer to a Novell file server running NetWare
3.12, or running NetWare 4.x in emulation mode. The term “NDS” is used to describe
components of a NetWare operating system running NetWare 4.x in native mode.
NOTE: “NDS” is used interchangeably as an abbreviation for either Novell Directory
Services or NetWare Directory Services. There is no difference between the two.
NetWare clients print to the DocuColor through the Novell network server. Server
setup and client network setup are outlined here. Client printing setup is described in
the Getting Started, and printing is described in the User Guide.
3-2 Setting up Network Servers
The DocuColor can accept jobs concurrently from NetWare and Windows NT, as well
as jobs sent directly from Windows NT or UNIX workstations. NetWare clients on
Mac OS computers can print via the NetWare server. NetWare clients on
Windows NT computers can print either via the NetWare server or directly.
The DocuColor can receive print jobs from NetWare clients over the Ethernet or
Token Ring network topologies. (Appendix A describes the Token Ring option.)
During DocuColor setup, you select the frame type or types that will be used for
communication between the DocuColor and network servers. Frame type refers to the
format of a communications packet; frame types are specified in a startup file when the
NetWare server (or any other workstation) loads its network drivers.
In addition to printing, the remote utilities— Spooler and Downloader—are available
to Windows 95 users with IPX/SPX or TCP/IP protocols loaded. With these utilities,
Windows 95 workstations are communicating with the DocuColor directly, not
through the NetWare server.
Tips for experts—IPX networks
Setting up the DocuColor is similar to setting up another PostScript printer on the
network. The following information is all that experienced network administrators
A DocuColor with IPX connections has these characteristics:
Both NetWare 3.12 and NetWare 4.x are supported directly. NetWare 4.x is also sup-
ported through bindery emulation.
A minimum connection to the DocuColor consists of a NetWare file server, a NetWare
print server, and a NetWare queue.
A single directory tree (for NetWare 4.x) and up to eight bindery servers can be
configured simultaneously.
This limit is the same regardless of whether the DocuColor is connected to the net-
work via Ethernet, via Token Ring, or both.
The DocuColor looks for print jobs on one NetWare print server per bindery server.
Each print server can store jobs for any queue on the DocuColor.
Windows 95 workstations (whether a Novell server is present or not) can use IPX/ SPX
protocols for communicating with the DocuColor directly to run the utilities.
3-3 DocuColor on an IPX network
Overview of IPX printing to the DocuColor
NetWare file servers support the creation of print queues, which are storage areas for
print jobs. When a client on a remote computer decides to print, the job is directed to
a print queue on the NetWare file server and spooled to the NetWare server disk,
freeing up the client workstation.
The queues on the NetWare server must be named to match the Direct connection
and the Print queue on the DocuColor. The NetWare queue names should be given an
extension corresponding to the DocuColor queue, as follows:
NOTE: The extension names must be in all lowercase.
There is no need to rerun Setup when adding or removing a NetWare queue; however
you should reboot the DocuColor after a queue is created or removed.
When the DocuColor is configured to connect to a NetWare server, it polls the
NetWare server for jobs in each of its queues. If jobs are found, they are transferred
over the network to the matching connection: Print to Print, Direct to Direct. While a
job is processed and printed, a record of the job is being created. You can access the Job
Log containing these records at any time.
3-4 Setting up Network Servers
Configuring a NetWare server for printing
The following sections explain how to set up a NetWare file server so that networked
users can print to the DocuColor from their workstations, and the DocuColor can
obtain print jobs from the NetWare server.
For each NetWare file server that you configure, follow these general steps. More detail
is provided in subsequent sections.
• Make sure the server is connected to a functioning IPX network.
• Log in as the Supervisor on a PC connected to the NetWare file server.
• For NetWare 4.x installations, set up an NDS connection (see page 3-6).
• For NetWare 4.x in emulation mode, set the bindery context (see page 3-9).
• For NetWare 3.12 and for NetWare 4.x in bindery emulation, set up a file server, a
print server, and a print queue for the DocuColor (see page 3-12).
With bindery services, you can route all DocuColor print jobs through the same
NetWare file server, or you can configure more than one file server to handle
DocuColor jobs.
The functions you perform on the Novell server, on the DocuColor, and on the client
workstation, are summarized in the following tables. The first table applies to NDS
connections, the second to bindery connections.
Complete the operations in the left column, then the center column, then the right
3-5 Configuring a NetWare server for printing
Configuring an NDS connection
FS = file server
PS = print server
PQ = print queue (on the NetWare server)
On DocuColor Control Panel
On client workstation
Port Setup
Install user software
Ethernet Setup
Create NDS PQs
For printing:
and/or Token Ring Setup
Protocol Setup
IPX/SPX Setup—select frame
Service Setup
PServer Setup and NDS Setup
Select Root
Connect client to PQ(s) that
you set up on the NetWare FS
(associated with the PS
selected in NDS Setup)
Create NDS printer
and assign PQs
Create PS and assign
the printer
For running utilities:
Configure one utility or use
Configure users of
the PQs
Browse to select PS
Specify PQ search root
Set Polling Interval
Configuring a bindery connection
On Bindery FS
On DocuColor Control Panel
On client workstation
Port Setup
Install user software
Ethernet Setup
and/or Token Ring Setup
Protocol Setup
IPX/SPX Setup—select frame
Service Setup
Select NetWare FS
(up to 8)
For printing:
Connect client to PQ(s) that
you set up on the NetWare FS
(associated with the PS
selected in Bindery Setup)
For each FS:
Configure PS
Configure PQ
For running utilities:
Configure one utility or use
Configure users of
the PQ
PServer Setup and Bindery Setup
Add FS (up to 8)
Set Polling Interval
3-6 Setting up Network Servers
Setting up an NDS connection
In NDS, all NetWare entities (objects) are organized in a hierarchical tree structure.
Objects have a name, properties, and a context which defines the location of the object
in the directory tree. For the DocuColor you are mainly concerned with defining a
printer, a print server object and one or more print queue objects. Objects are created
in NetWare administrator programs (PCONSOLE or NETADMIN which are text-
based, or NetWare Administrator which has a graphical user interface and context-sen-
sitive help).
NOTE: “NDS” is used interchangeably as an abbreviation for either Novell Directory
Services or NetWare Directory Services. There is no difference between the two.
The top-level tree object is known as the [Root] object. The name of the [Root] object
is also the name of the tree. Below the [Root] are other objects: either containers
(which consist of other objects) or leaf objects (which do not contain other objects).
Access to objects is controlled by rights that are defined as properties of each object.
Rights are established by network administrators.
NOTE: The procedures that follow work with all versions of NetWare 4.x.
With NetWare 4.11 or later, you can combine the procedures using the Print Services
Quick Setup dialog box.
1. Start NetWare Administrator and select the container in which you are going to define
the print queue for the DocuColor.
2. Choose Create from the Object menu.
4. In the Create Print Queue dialog box, select Directory Service Queue.
5. Enter a name for the print queue with the queue extension: DocuColor_print, for
See page 3-3 for queue naming conventions.
6. Click the browser button to select a print queue volume.
3-7 Configuring a NetWare server for printing
7. In the Select Object dialog box, double-click a container object in the Directory
Context list and browse until the volume you want appears in the Objects list.
This volume holds the actual files while they are queued for printing, so make sure it
has enough disk space.
8. Select the volume in the Objects list, and choose OK.
9. In the Create Print Queue dialog box, click Create.
10. Click Details for Print Queue.
11. Enable guest access and/ or create users.
You must enable at least guest access for the queue to be usable. You can also create
registered users.
1. Start NetWare Administrator and select the container in which you are going to define
the NDS printer for the DocuColor.
2. Choose Create from the Object menu.
3. In the New Object dialog box, select Printer.
4. Enter a name for the printer.
You can define additional properties for the printer at this point.
5. Click Create.
6. In Printer Details, click Assignments. Click Add.
7. In the Select Object dialog box, browse the containers until the queue you want is
listed in the Objects list.
8. Select the print queue you created for the DocuColor and choose OK.
9. From the Printer dialog box, select Configuration and select Other/ Unknown as the
Printer Type and, depending on personality choice, select PostScript as the Banner
3-8 Setting up Network Servers
1. Start NetWare Administrator and select the container in which you are going to define
the NDS print server for the DocuColor.
2. Choose Create from the Object menu.
3. In the New Object dialog box, select Print Server.
4. Enter a name for the print server.
5. Select Define Additional Properties.
6. Click Create.
7. In the Print Server dialog box, click Assignments.
8. Select Add and select the printer (object) you want to assign to the print server.
want is listed under Objects.
10. Select the printer and click OK.
The remaining setup is performed on the DocuColor. An outline follows; for more
detailed information, see page 2-9.
1. With the DocuColor connected to the Novell network, restart the DocuColor to perform
For access to Setup, see page 2-3.
2. In the Network Setup, choose Port Setup and enable the port you will use for printing
to the DocuColor.
This can be Ethernet, Token Ring (if you have installed the Token Ring option), or
3. Choose Protocol Setup and configure the protocols you will use. Choose IPX/ SPX Setup
to select the frame type(s) that will be used between the NetWare server(s) and the
3-9 Configuring a NetWare server for printing
4. Choose Service Setup, choose PServer Setup, and choose NDS Setup.
5. Identify the NDS tree on which the printer, print server, and print queue have been
6. Select the user login object.
7. Identify the defined print server.
8. Finally, to restrict the search for the print queues you’ve defined, browse to a con-
tainer object that contains the print queue or queues.
Setting the NetWare 4.x bindery context
You can connect only one directory tree to the DocuColor. If you need to connect
additional NetWare 4.x servers, you can do so by using bindery emulation, which
causes the 4.x server to behave like and be accepted as a NetWare 3.12 server.
NOTE: The file server selected must not be in the same tree as that selected in NDS
Up to eight bindery servers, whether in native 3.12 mode or in 4.x emulation, can
connect to the DocuColor.
If your server is using NetWare 3.12, proceed to “Setting up a DocuColor print queue
for bindery” on page 3-12.
In order to set up the NetWare 4.x server in bindery emulation mode for printing to
the DocuColor, the network administrator must do the following:
• Determine the Directory Services path to the container in which the print server and
the print queue for the DocuColor will be created.
The container defines the “bindery context” for your network structure.
• Edit the network startup file to set the bindery context
• Activate the new bindery context
This section describes the second and third steps. Given the variety of possible network
structures, it is impractical to suggest a bindery context that applies to every network.
3-10 Setting up Network Servers
1. Establish a connection with the server which will have the DocuColor queue.
This is best done by the network administrator using PSERVER from the server
console. It can also be done remotely using the RCONSOLE utility.
2. At the NetWare prompt type load install.
The NetWare Server Installation window is displayed.
3. Use the down arrow key to select Maintenance/ Selective Install.
The Installations Options menu is displayed.
4. Select NCF Files Options.
3-11 Configuring a NetWare server for printing
5. On the menu of available NCF files, select Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF file.
6. Type a new line anywhere in the file as follows:
set Bindery Context = O=xx
NOTE: Instead of xx, type the bindery context obtained from the system administrator.
(In this example from a relatively simple directory structure, the Bindery Context is
“TS”.) Also note that O in this line is the letter O, not the digit zero.
7. Press Esc to close the window, and save changes.
8. Proceed to the next section to activate the bindery context.
3-12 Setting up Network Servers
1. If you cannot reboot the NetWare server at this point, type the set command manually
at the server’s colon prompt.
Use the same command as you entered in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file (in step 6 of the previ-
ous procedure).
2. If you can reboot the NetWare server, the set command is loaded automatically.
You are ready to set up the DocuColor print server and print queue. See the next sec-
tion for details.
Setting up a DocuColor print queue for bindery
For NetWare 3.12 and for 4.x in emulation, the NetWare print server and print queue
for DocuColor are created and configured from NetWare Print Console
(PCONSOLE), a NetWare utility that is stored in NetWare’s PUBLIC directory.
As with NDS, first you create several NetWare entities on a Novell server, then you
select them in Network Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel.
1. Log in to the NetWare server as the Supervisor.
2. At the NetWare MS-DOS prompt, type pconsole.
If you are using NetWare 4.x in bindery mode, Print Console (PCONSOLE) has two
modes. Press the F4 key to switch to Bindery mode.
The Available Options menu is displayed.
3. Choose Change Current File Server and press Enter.
3-13 Configuring a NetWare server for printing
4. Using the arrow keys, select the name of the file server you’ll use for sharing Docu-
Color printing and press Enter.
This is the file server you select later in DocuColor Network/PServer/Bindery Setup.
5. Choose Print Server Information from the Available Options menu.
6. Press the Insert key, type a name for the new print server, and press Enter. Then
press Esc.
You must select the same print server here and in DocuColor Network/PServer/Bind-
ery Setup.
3-14 Setting up Network Servers
7. Choose Print Queue Information from the Available Options menu.
8. Press the Insert key and type a name for a new DocuColor print queue. Press Enter.
See page 3-3 for queue naming conventions.
9. Make sure the print queue name you created is selected in the list of Print Queues,
and press Enter.
The Print Queue Information menu is displayed.
10. In the Print Queue Information menu, choose Queue Servers, and press Enter.
A blank Queue Servers list is displayed.
3-15 Configuring a NetWare server for printing
11. Press the Insert key.
The Queue Server Candidates list is displayed.
12. Use the arrow keys to select the name of the print server you created in step 6 and
press Enter.
The server name you select will appear in the Queue Servers list.
You have associated the selected DocuColor queue with the print server you created in
step 6.
NOTE: The DocuColor obtains jobs from all queues defined for a print server, and all
jobs from one file server go to the same queue on the DocuColor.
13. If you wish to set up a print queue on another file server, press Esc to close the win-
dows until only the Available Options menu is displayed. Repeat the steps beginning
with step 3.
The DocuColor can support up to eight file servers on Ethernet, and eight on Token
14. If you have configured all the servers you need, press Esc to exit all Print Console win-
15. Choose Yes or press Return to save changes to Print Console.
Setting up NetWare Windows clients for printing
Before setting up client workstations for printing, make sure you perform Network
Setup on the DocuColor Control Panel (see page 2-9), and that the settings reflect the
entities you created in the NetWare administrator utilities (see page 3-4).
3-16 Setting up Network Servers
NOTE: For printing to the DocuColor, connect all Windows clients to a Novell Net-
Ware server and permit them to connect to the server or servers on which you defined
a DocuColor queue.
After the Novell server and the DocuColor have been set up, client setup
consists of:
• Installing the networking protocol, binding it to the network adapter card, and
permitting the client to log in to the NetWare file server.
On Windows 95 Workstations, both the IPX/SPX-compatible protocol and the
Client for NetWare Networks should be loaded from the Network Control Panel.
On Windows 3.1x workstations, the NetWare shell should be installed. On
Windows NT workstations, Client Service for NetWare should be installed. Use the
CSNW option in Control Panel to set printing options and specify a preferred
NetWare server.
• Setting up the DocuColor as a PostScript printer by installing a PostScript printer
driver and the DocuColor PPD (PostScript printer description).
• Adding a network port and connecting the workstation to one or more NetWare
queues that have been defined for the DocuColor.
See Getting Started for details on how to connect Windows 3.1x, Windows 95 and
Windows NT workstations.
• Installing other optional client software.
See Getting Started for details.
Configuring Windows 95 workstations
for remote utilities
To run the remote utilities, a Windows 95 workstation on an IPX network must have
IPX/SPX protocols loaded and bound to the network driver. There should be a
NetWare server on the network.
Before you begin, for Windows 95, install the IPX/SPX-compatible protocol and
Microsoft TCP/IP. After you have installed one or more utilities, you may uninstall
Microsoft TCP/IP.
3-17 Configuring a NetWare server for printing
The steps below summarize installing the utilities on a single workstation. The
installation is described in the Getting Started in greater detail.
1. Configure your NetWare server and perform DocuColor Setup.
2. In DocuColor Setup, perform Network Setup as summarized in the tables on page 3-5.
Under Ethernet Setup, perform IPX/ SPX Setup.
3. Save changes after Setup.
4. Insert the DocuColor User Software CD in the client workstation and follow the instruc-
tions for installing utilities found in the Getting Started.
5. When the Installer prompts you to select a network protocol, select IPX/ SPX.
This choice installs the applications in a folder of your choice and installs a
NET_WIPX.DLL file into the active System folder.
NET_WIPX.DLL is the NetLayer dictionary that the utilities need in order to run
with IPX on Windows 95. You don’t change this file.
6. When you are prompted to find the NET_WSCK.INI file, click Next.
The Installer copies a blank configuration file to the Windows directory. The first time
the client runs one of the utilities this file is automatically configured (see Getting
7. Before running a utility, print a Configuration page.
From the Functions menu on the DocuColor Control Panel, choose Print Pages and
choose Configuration.
8. Find the IPX Ethernet or IPX Token Ring address and record the address exactly.
You will enter this address when you run a utility for the first time (see Getting Started).
9. Start the utility and configure the connection as described in Getting Started.
3-18 Setting up Network Servers
DocuColor on a TCP/ IP network with Windows NT
When a Windows NT computer is configured to connect to the DocuColor using
TCP/IP, it can print directly to the DocuColor. If the computer shares the printer over
the network, it is acting as a print server to Windows NT and Windows 95 clients.
The client machines print to the DocuColor by printing to the Windows NT print
server. Printing can then be monitored and controlled at the Windows NT server
Typical system combinations are:
• Print server running Windows NT Server; clients running Windows NT
Workstation and Windows 95
• Print server running Windows NT Workstation and clients running Windows 95
With TCP/IP protocols loaded, you can also run the remote utilities from a
Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation computer. Windows 95 clients can
If there are many Mac OS computers or other PostScript printers at the site, the
Windows NT server can also use AppleTalk protocols for printing to the DocuColor.
You can load AppleTalk on the Windows NT server as an alternative to TCP/IP (see
page 3-27).
Tips for experts—Windows NT with TCP/ IP
Setting up printing from Windows NT using TCP/IP protocols is similar in some
respects to setting up UNIX workstations with TCP/IP. When TCP/IP network
connections are made from Windows NT workstations, note the following:
Make sure you have a valid IP address for the DocuColor and for any workstations that
will print to it or run the remote utilities.
In DocuColor Network Setup>Protocol Setup>TCP/ IP Setup>Ethernet Setup (or Token
Ring Setup), enable TCP/ IP and enter the IP address for the DocuColor. Also enter the
Subnet mask and Gateway address.
Make sure your DocuColor name and address are listed in a domain name services
(DNS) or a host name database used by your system.
Make sure your system host table includes the correct internal name for the DocuColor
as a remote printer. See page 3-30 for more information.
3-19 Configuring a Windows NT server to support the DocuColor
For Windows NT 3.51, load the Windows NT PostScript printer driver and install the
DocuColor printer description provided with the user software, as described in the Get-
ting Started.
Repeat the installation for everyone who prints to the DocuColor.
For Windows 4.0, install the DocuColor PostScript printer description on the Windows
NT server (see the Getting Started).
The Windows NT PostScript printer driver is automatically installed with
Windows NT 4.0. The DocuColor PostScript printer description is also provided on
the User Software CD.
Repeat the installation for everyone who prints to the DocuColor.
Each server and workstation running the utilities with TCP/IP also needs the TCP/IP
protocol and the utility software.
The Installer installs a NET_WSCK.DLL file and a blank configuration
(NET_WSCK.INI) file. Running a utility for the first time automatically configures
the NET_WSCK.INI file.
Configuring a Windows NT server to support
the DocuColor
follow these general steps. More detail is provided in subsequent sections.
• Enter the host name of the DocuColor in the host database used by your system (see
page 3-21).
Setup (page 2-9), Printer Setup (page 2-32), PS Setup (page 2-34), and Color Setup
(page 2-36).
• On the Windows NT server, create a printer for each DocuColor queue, install the
appropriate printer drivers (if necessary), and (optionally) share the printer on the
network (see page 3-23).
• Enter the host name and internal name of the DocuColor in the printer connection.
See page 3-30 for more information.
3-20 Setting up Network Servers
• If the Windows NT 4.0 server is also a workstation, install the remote utilities (see
Getting Started and page 3-26).
Loading the TCP/ IP network protocol
If the TCP/IP protocol has not yet been installed on the Windows NT server, use the
procedure in this section.
For this installation, you will need:
• Your Windows NT installation disks
• The IP address of the Windows NT server
• The IP address of the DocuColor (see page 3-29)
• The internal name of the remote printer (see page 3-30)
1. Log in to the Windows NT server as Administrator.
2. In the Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.
The Network Settings dialog box appears.
3. Click Add Software.
4. In the Add Network Software dialog box, select TCP/ IP Protocols and Related Compo-
nents, and click Continue.
5. In the Installation dialog box, be sure to check TCP/ IP Network Printing Support.
This supplies the necessary lpd protocol. If the item is grayed, it is already installed on
your system.
6. Configure the Windows NT server with its own IP address, subnet mask, and default
For Windows NT configuration options you can use with various host name systems,
see your online or printed Windows NT documentation.
7. When you are finished configuring TCP/ IP choose Close and restart your computer for
the changes to take effect.
8. Add the DocuColor to the network (see the next section).
3-21 Configuring a Windows NT server to support the DocuColor
Adding the DocuColor to the TCP/ IP network
If your TCP/IP network consists of Windows NT servers and Windows NT clients,
use the directions in this section. If the network also includes UNIX workstations, also
check the directions on page 3-31.
1. On the DocuColor Control Panel, perform Server Setup, Network Setup and Printer
Setup to support TCP/ IP printing.
Enter the options in Protocol Setup (IP address of the DocuColor, Subnet mask, and
Gateway address). In Printer Setup, publish the Print queue.
2. Register the IP address of the DocuColor in the host name database used by your sys-
For installations that don’t have a network administrator or a central host name
database, add the DocuColor to the hosts file on the Windows NT server. Also add it
to the hosts file on any workstations that have TCP/IP loaded and will use the remote
Adding a DocuColor entry to the Windows NT hosts file
The hosts file maps remote devices to IP addresses. Host names are used in TCP/IP
environments to locate IP addresses. Users can then communicate with any device over
TCP/IP by using the host name rather than having to remember its IP address.
A generic hosts file is added to the Windows directory when you install TCP/IP
NOTE: If there is no system-wide host name database, use the following procedure to
create a local hosts file. If there is a system-wide host database, skip the following
3-22 Setting up Network Servers
1. On the Windows NT server and on each client computer, navigate to the hosts file that
you use for your network or for your local computer.
The path to a local hosts file will resemble the following:
c:\ WINNT\ System32\ drivers\ etc\ hosts
2. Open the hosts file with any ASCII text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or
Edit (DOS).
3. Type an entry for the DocuColor (IP address and host name) similar to the other
entries in this file.
The Windows NT hosts file provides compatibility with the UNIX hosts file. The
hosts file is used as a local Domain Name Services (DNS) equivalent. It has the same
format as the / etc/ hosts file on UNIX servers. The form of the hosts entry is:
IP Address<TAB>host name<TAB>#comments
where <TAB> indicates that you press the Tab key.
NOTE: Type the entry exactly as shown, without a space before the IP address. The host
name should be the same name you gave to the DocuColor in the Server Setup on the
Control Panel.
A sample entry for the DocuColor as the remote computer/printer, in which we’ve
defined the host name of the printer as colorsvr is:<TAB>colorsvr<TAB>#DocuColor Color Server
NOTE: If the DocuColor has already been defined in an / etc/ hosts file or equivalent
host name database on a UNIX workstation on your network, use the same host name
here as you used for the name of the remote printer in the /etc/ hosts file.
4. Save the file as “hosts” and exit the application.
3-23 Configuring a Windows NT server to support the DocuColor
Installing the DocuColor as a shared PostScript printer
The first step in creating a printer is installing the Windows NT PostScript printer
driver and the DocuColor PPD (PostScript printer description), which gives your
applications access to printer features.
The installation instructions in Getting Started can be used for every workstation that
will print directly and independently to the DocuColor. However, if you are an
administrator running Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation, you can
also create a printer and share it with clients on the network. When a printer is shared,
clients who are not able or are not given permission to establish an independent
network connection to the DocuColor have to print through the server.
You can specify sharing of the printer during installation of the DocuColor printer
files. If you have not yet installed the DocuColor printer files on the Windows NT
print server computer, do so now following the instructions in the Getting Started.
During installation, enter the information necessary to share the DocuColor.
If you have already installed the DocuColor printer files on the computer you are using
as a Windows NT print server, use the following procedure to share the DocuColor.
1. Click Start>Settings>Printers to open the Printers window.
2. Select the DocuColor.
3. Open the Properties dialog box (right-mouse click and choose Properties) and click
the Sharing tab.
4. Select Shared and enter a share name for the DocuColor.
Use a DOS-compliant share name if your network includes Windows for Workgroups
clients. Use a name that indicates the DocuColor queue if you wish to publicize that
5. In the Alternate Drivers window, select all operating systems used by client worksta-
tions from which the print server will accept print jobs.
6. Click OK.
3-24 Setting up Network Servers
1. On the Windows NT 3.51 print server computer, install the printer driver and printer
file for Windows NT 3.51 clients as described in the Getting Started.
If the client has never installed the Windows PostScript printer driver, you also need
the Windows NT Installation CD to install the driver. If the PostScript printer driver
is already present on the client computer, type the path to the driver when you are
prompted to locate the driver.
2. In the Create Printer dialog box, check Share this printer on the network.
(Name you gave to the printer)
(Name of driver you installed)
Enter a share name here
3. Enter the share name of the printer.
By default, Windows NT creates a DOS-compliant share name. Use a DOS-compliant
name if your network includes Windows for Workgroups clients. Use a name that indi-
cates the DocuColor queue if you wish to publicize that information.
4. Enter the location of the printer in the Location box (optional).
5. Follow the procedure to set up TCP/ IP and lpd printing for Windows NT 3.51
Workstations, as described in the Getting Started.
After you have finished configuring the printer, the DocuColor appears in its own
Printer window in the Print Manager window. You can use the Print Manager window
to track network print jobs. Print Manager only shows jobs from computers printing
through the Windows NT print server. For a view of all DocuColor activity, use the
Spooler or the WebSpooler.
3-25 Configuring a Windows NT server to support the DocuColor
Your Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, and Windows 95 clients have access to
the shared printer through their applications. They will not be able to change settings
in the Printer Properties dialog box.
Configuring Windows NT clients
Each client of a Windows NT server is already using a network protocol to
communicate with the server. Each client can print to the DocuColor if it has been
shared by a Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation computer. In that case
the client does not have to use the same network protocol to connect to the
Windows NT server as the server uses to communicate with the DocuColor.
For Windows 95 clients, before printing, double-click the Windows NT server icon in
the Network Neighborhood window, and double-click the printer name.
You will be prompted to set up the printer. When you choose to set it up, the Add
Printer Wizard dialog box appears. Follow the steps in the Getting Started.
For Windows NT 3.51 Workstation clients, before printing, open the Print Manager.
From the Printer menu, choose Connect To Printer. Select a printer from the Shared
Printers list, or double-click a network, workgroup, or server icon to show additional
For Windows NT 4.0 Workstation clients, before printing, connect to the print server
computer and select the DocuColor. Right mouse click and choose the Open command.
When prompted, click Yes to have Windows set up the printer.
After clients have selected the printer, they can choose it from the Print Setup, Page
Setup or Print dialog box of their application. Clients can change printing options for
their own job, but printer properties are grayed and not available for changing. When a
client chooses Print, the job is transmitted to the Windows NT print server, and from
there to the selected queue on the DocuColor. The job is listed in the Print Manager
on the client workstation, and the administrator can track it in the DocuColor window
in the Print Manager on the Windows NT print server.
3-26 Setting up Network Servers
Configuring Windows NT workstations for remote utilities
To run the remote utilities on a TCP/IP network, the workstation must be running
Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation, with Microsoft TCP/IP protocols
loaded and bound to the network driver.
1. Perform DocuColor Setup and enable TCP/ IP.
In Network Setup, choose Protocol Setup and perform TCP/IP Setup and Ethernet
Setup. (Perform Token Ring Setup if the Token Ring option is installed.) Enabling
TCP/IP automatically enables the communication for utilities.
2. Set a valid, unique IP Address for the DocuColor, and then set the subnet mask and a
gateway address if necessary.
Before you exit Network Setup, you can also choose Service Setup and enable
Web Services (see page 3-28).
3. Save changes after Setup.
Performing these steps once enables the utilities connection for all users on the TCP/IP
1. Insert the DocuColor User Software CD in the Windows NT workstation and follow the
instructions for installing utilities in Getting Started.
2. When the Installer prompts you to select a network protocol, select TCP/ IP.
This choice installs the applications in a folder of your choice, and automatically places
the NET_WSCK.DLL file into the active System folder.
NET_WSCK.DLL is the NetLayer dictionary that the utilities need in order to run
with TCP/IP on Windows NT. You don’t change this file.
3. When you are prompted to find the NET_WSCK.INI file, click Next.
The Installer copies the unconfigured file to your Windows directory. The first time
the client runs one of the utilities, this file is automatically configured.
3-27 Using AppleTalk with NetWare servers
Using AppleTalk with NetWare servers
Users can print to the DocuColor from Mac OS computers via a NetWare print server.
The AppleTalk protocol must be loaded on the NetWare server before you can set up
the server to accept jobs from Mac OS clients. Then use the ATPSCON (AppleTalk
Print Services) utility to configure a NetWare spooler for AppleTalk. The important
settings for the spooler configuration are listed below.
• NetWare Print Queue should be set to a DocuColor print connection.
• Printer Model should be set to Generic PostScript.
• Spooler’s AppleTalk Name should include DocuColor and possibly the name of the
print connection (Print or Direct). This name appears in the Mac OS Chooser.
• Spooler’s AppleTalk Type can be set to any setting. This setting has no effect.
• Spooler’s AppleTalk Zone should be set to the appropriate zone.
• Banner Page with Jobs should be set to No.
• Advanced PostScript Options > Accept Binary Data should be set to Yes.
• Advertise Color Device should be set to Yes.
After the NetWare spooler has been configured, set up Mac OS client computers for
printing to the DocuColor as described in Getting Started.
Using AppleTalk with Windows NT
Windows NT servers can also use AppleTalk for printing with the DocuColor.
The important thing to note, in creating a printer that you are sharing with AppleTalk
users, is NOT to “capture” the printer. Capturing the printer forces all users to print to
the server rather than directly to the printer. If you capture the printer, DocuColor
queues will not appear in the Mac OS Chooser.
Loading the AppleTalk protocol on a Windows NT server is very similar to loading
TCP/IP. If you are only using AppleTalk, you do not need an IP address or a
Windows NT hosts file entry for the DocuColor queue or queues.
3-28 Setting up Network Servers
Install the Windows NT PostScript Printer driver and the DocuColor PPD for your
Windows NT server and for your Windows NT and Windows clients. Mac OS users
can print directly to the DocuColor and should install the AdobePS printer driver for
the Mac OS and the DocuColor PPD. All of these installations are described in Getting
Configuring the DocuColor and clients for WebTools
The WebTools duplicate many of the functions of the utilities. Because they are
accessed via the Internet (or your company’s intranet) and are platform-independent,
they provide additional flexibility in remote management.
1. Perform DocuColor Setup and enable TCP/ IP.
In Network Setup, choose Protocol Setup and perform TCP/IP Setup and Ethernet
Setup. (Perform Token Ring Setup if the Token Ring option is installed.) Enabling
TCP/IP automatically enables the communication for the WebTools.
2. Set a valid, unique IP Address for the DocuColor, and then set the subnet mask and a
gateway address if necessary.
3. Exit TCP/ IP Setup and exit Protocol Setup.
4. Choose Service Setup, and choose Web Services Setup.
5. For Enable Web Services, select Yes.
6. Exit Service Setup and exit Network Setup, and select Yes at the Save Changes screen.
7. In DocuColor Printer Setup, confirm that Publish Print Queue is set to Yes.
8. Exit Printer Setup, and select Yes at the Save Changes screen.
1. Enable TCP/ IP networking.
2. Make sure the workstation has a valid, unique IP address.
3-29 Using AppleTalk with Windows NT
3. Make sure an Internet browser that supports the Java language and frames is
Make sure Java is enabled in the Internet browser.
See Getting Started for the list of browsers supported for the WebTools.
You access the WebTools from the DocuColor home page, which you access from your
Internet browser.
1. Start the Internet browser.
2. Enter the IP address or DNS name of the DocuColor.
3. Press Enter or Return.
The DocuColor home page appears. The exact home page you see may vary. Follow
the directions given on the home page to launch the WebTools or to find out more
information about a particular WebTool.
DocuColor on a network with UNIX workstations
When a UNIX workstation is configured with the lpd protocol, and connected to the
DocuColor over a TCP/IP network, it can print directly to the DocuColor.
Setting up UNIX workstations requires an administrator with root privileges. After the
initial configuration, UNIX users simply submit print jobs to a named printer.
The remote utilities (Spooler and Downloader) are not currently available on the
UNIX platform. However, a Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server
computer set up to use TCP/IP for printing to the DocuColor can also use the
Downloader to download files and fonts, and use the Spooler or WebSpooler to
manage print jobs that originate from all workstations on the network. The basic
procedures for setting up printing and installing remote utilities are given on page 3-26
and in Getting Started.
3-30 Setting up Network Servers
Tips for experts—UNIX workstations
Setting up the DocuColor in a UNIX environment has the same requirements as
setting up any printer or new device:
A distinct IP address is needed for the DocuColor as well as for each workstation on
the network.
You select a DocuColor name that goes with the IP address.
The IP address must be registered for the network in a host database, and also on the
DocuColor itself.
The Print queue must be published in Printer Setup.
Lpd printing to the Direct connection is not supported.
The following information pertains especially to the DocuColor:
DocuColor is a printer controller that understands lpd protocols.
DocuColor has an internal (machine) name you must determine before you can com-
municate with it successfully.
See the next section for details.
Important note about the remote printer name
Whichever UNIX system you use, the name used for remote printer (or rp in the
/ etc/ printcap file) in configuring the DocuColor is:
The remote printer or rp name is also used when setting up your Windows NT
workstation or server to connect to the DocuColor over TCP/IP.
Enter the remote printer name when you set up your Windows NT printer, as the
“Name of printer on that (lpd host) machine” in the Add lpd compatible printer dialog
box (see Getting Started).
3-31 Using AppleTalk with Windows NT
Setting up the DocuColor on TCP/ IP networks
Every machine (host) on a TCP/IP network, including the DocuColor, must have a
unique 32-bit internet address (IP address). If the network is being set up for the first
time, it’s a good idea to start out with addresses that can be used with the public
Internet. Contact your Internet service provider to obtain an address for the
Workstations on a TCP/IP network can print directly to the DocuColor as a remote
printer, or can print to a Windows NT Server or a UNIX workstation acting as a print
server. Since the DocuColor spools jobs and acts as a print server, there is no advantage
in placing another print server between a workstation and the DocuColor. If you
choose to do so, however, there is no difference in setup except that a client machine
does not have its own spooling area.
1. Specify the appropriate settings in the DocuColor Server Setup.
To access DocuColor Setup, see page 2-2.
2. Specify the appropriate settings in the DocuColor Network Setup.
Run the setups listed in the table on page 2-9 and enter a valid IP address, subnet mask
and gateway address for the DocuColor.
3. Specify the appropriate settings in the DocuColor Printer Setup.
Publish the Print queue.
1. A superuser (with root login) must add the DocuColor to the network’s IP host table or
other system database of network printers.
2. In the file or utility used by your network, specify the remote printer name, the print
server protocol, the queue, and the spool file for the DocuColor name you assigned.
3. Make the DocuColor available as a printer to other network users.
3-32 Setting up Network Servers
4. To verify the TCP/ IP connection, ping the IP address or the host name. From any com-
puter on the network, at the command prompt, type:
ping <IP address>
Type the DocuColor IP address assigned in DocuColor Network Setup.
After the DocuColor is set up as a network printer, you can also ping the name you
gave to the DocuColor
ping <hostname>
The server should respond with a message such as
<IP address> is alive
Some systems will respond with a continuous display of output from the IP address. To
stop the output, type Control-C. You can use the ping command at any time.
Printing and managing print jobs
UNIX printing commands and options are detailed in the manual pages for your sys-
tem. Some examples are given in the DocuColor User Guide.
On a UNIX system running SunOS 4 or other BSD-based variant, use the lpr command
to send a job to the DocuColor.
On a UNIX system running Solaris 2 or any System V implementation of UNIX, use the
lp command to send a job to the DocuColor.
Windows NT users with the TCP/ IP protocol loaded can send print jobs to a DocuColor
from their applications or from a command prompt.
Printing from applications uses the Windows NT PostScript driver. This gives
Windows NT users a larger selection of print options than printing from the com-
mand line.
3-33 Using AppleTalk with Windows NT
Managing print jobs
UNIX network administrators can use UNIX utilities for viewing the list of jobs, and
for printing and removing jobs that are spooled on UNIX servers. If the network
includes a Windows NT workstation that has TCP/IP protocols loaded, you can use
the Downloader to download files and manage fonts on the DocuColor. You can also
use the Spooler to:
• See DocuColor status
• See, print, export, and clear the DocuColor Job Log
• View and manage print jobs in the DocuColor Print queue
• Print or clear jobs in the Printed queue
The utilities are particularly useful if the network is running several protocols
simultaneously, or if DocuColor jobs are being spooled to several UNIX workstations.
The utilities are described in detail in the User Guide.
Load the utilities on a Windows NT server or workstation. Open the Spooler to view
current job activity and manage DocuColor print jobs that have been printed to a
See Getting Started for installing the Spooler, and the User Guide for details of using it.
3-34 Setting up Network Servers
1. If you wish to protect print jobs from manipulation by WebSpooler users, specify an
administrator password on the DocuColor Control Panel, as described on page 2-42.
2. From a web browser on a workstation on the same network as the DocuColor, enter the
DocuColor URL (Universal Resource Locator—the standard Web address) to access the
DocuColor home page.
3. Click WebSpooler.
4. Choose Password from the Administrator menu, and enter the password.
perform the same administrative functions as you can with the Spooler.
Even without the remote utilities, you can:
• Save a record of individual jobs by using the Print Cover Page option in DocuColor
Printer Setup (see page 2-34)
• Set up the DocuColor to print a log of printed jobs automatically after every 55 jobs
(see Job Log Setup on page 2-38)
• Print a Job Log manually at any time from the Functions menu on the
DocuColor Control Panel (see the User Guide).
4-1 Administrator functions
This chapter gives tips on managing DocuColor printing, and includes some
troubleshooting hints.
Chapter 4:
the DocuColor
Administrator functions
Administration features are provided in the user software package and are built into the
color server itself. The following table tells you where to find information on these
features. Page references are in this manual.
For these operations:
And these tasks:
This manual
This manual
Setting up network servers
Setting up servers to manage and share printing services
Connecting and setting up the
Connecting the DocuColor and performing DocuColor
Control Panel Setup
Setting up the DocuColor to allow user access to WebTools This manual and Release
Setting up the printing
Setting printer defaults.
Printer Setup, 2-32
PS Setup, 2-34
Color Setup, 2-36
User Guide
Setting print model-specific options
Setting up the job environment
Publishing the Direct connection and Print queue to end
users on various platforms
Printer Setup, 2-32,
Chapter 3
Protecting integrity of users’ jobs,
maintaining consistency of color
server settings
Setting the administrator password
Change Password, 2-42
Setting up all new users
Setting up printing, including installing PostScript printer
drivers and PPD files for the printer
Getting Started
Installing optional user software: remote utilities
Preparing users to access WebTools
Release Notes
User Guide
Getting users started with printing Printing to the DocuColor
and utilities
Setting job-specific options
Running utilities: Spooler, Downloader
4-2 Administering the DocuColor
For these operations:
And these tasks:
User Guide
Controlling the job flow
Using utilities or WebTools for managing job priorities,
tracking current jobs, canceling jobs, reprinting from the
Printed queue
Release Notes
Job accounting
Viewing, printing, and exporting the Job Log, user notes
Setting automatic printing and clearing for the Job Log
User Guide
See 2-38
Calibration and color management Calibrating the DocuColor
User Guide and this
manual, 2-39
Getting Started
Maintaining optimum DocuColor Tips
4-2, also
Deleting jobs, clearing queues
User Guide
Troubleshooting DocuColor Setup
4-3, also
Printing, printer, and user software troubleshooting
User Guide
Maintaining optimal server performance
The DocuColor does not require maintenance. Beyond the obvious requirements of
servicing and maintaining the copier and replenishing consumables there are a few
things you can do that will improve the overall performance of your system:
Make sure you are making the best use of your network connections
Publish only connections that will be used; the DocuColor constantly checks all pub-
lished connections, even if they are inactive. Match the NetWare polling interval and
the number of queues or connections to the demand for printing.
Review the published connections by printing a Configuration page. Eliminate the
connections that are not being used. It is easy to re-establish them when needed. In
general, network connections provide far superior throughput than a parallel port con-
Reduce the number of printed pages by electing not to print a cover page by default
unless you need cover pages for recordkeeping
Printing cover pages by default is a Printer Setup option.
4-3 Troubleshooting the DocuColor
Reduce unnecessary two-way communication
Remote users running Spooler or Downloader, especially with frequent updates, may
have a significant effect on DocuColor performance.
Make sure you have adequate disk space on the color server
An administrator can print or delete jobs that are in the Printed queue. Consider print-
ing or offloading inactive jobs. If disk space on the color server is frequently low, you
can disable the Printed queue (in Server Setup).
To move or remove queued jobs, use the Spooler or WebSpooler. When you free up
disk space by removing inactive jobs, new jobs are spooled and printed more quickly.
An internal hard drive upgrade may be available. Check with your service representa-
tive for more information.
Troubleshooting the DocuColor
Startup diagnostics are described in your service documentation. Contact your
authorized service/support center if you see any startup error messages on the
DocuColor Control Panel, or if the DocuColor does not reach Idle status.
Troubleshooting during Setup from the Control Panel
The following section explains some error and alert messages that you may see during
DocuColor Setup that might not be self-explanatory.
Network Setup messages
After this Setup screen:
This message:
Protocol Setup or Service
Setup (Network Setup)
You must first enable
a network port.
At least one network port (Ethernet or Token Ring)
Ethernet must be enabled in Port Setup before Protocol
Setup or Service Setup.
4-4 Administering the DocuColor
After this Setup screen:
This message:
Frame Type selection
(Network Protocol Setup/
IPX/ SPX Setup)
Can’t detect Token Ring
DocuColor queries the Token Ring hardware. Error
indicates that some components are not installed, are not
installed correctly, or not installed in the correct device. An
unsupported Token Ring board may be in use. Check with
your authorized service/support center.
Token Ring hardware
not installed or
not functioning.
Invalid frame size.
The network hub is not connected to a Novell machine
when the DocuColor tries to bind.
Warning! IPX network
number is zero.
No other IPX machine can be found on the network, or
the network hub is not connected to the network, when
the DocuColor tries to bind. When this occurs, the
network number defaults to zero.
Token Ring Setup
Can’t autodetect the ring
speed. No device on ring.
The DocuColor is trying to detect the current ring speed,
but it is the only machine on the Token Ring network.
Connect another machine to the Token Ring network first,
before connecting the DocuColor.
Frame Type selection
(Network Protocol Setup>
IPX/ SPX Setup)
Invalid frame size.
The network hub is not connected to a Novell machine
when the DocuColor tries to bind.
Warning! IPX network
number is zero.
No other IPX machine can be found on the network, or
the network hub is not connected to the network, when
the DocuColor tries to bind. When this occurs, the
network number defaults to zero.
Enable NDS
No NDS trees found.
No NDS trees were found on the Novell network. Check
that IPX frame types are properly set.
(Network Service
Setup>PServer Setup>NDS
4-5 Troubleshooting the DocuColor
After this Setup screen:
This message:
Select NDS Tree
Warning! Selecting a new NDS
tree deletes Bindery setup.
You have previously connected the DocuColor to a
different NDS tree. NEST supports only a single NDS tree
connection. To avoid a potential conflict with an existing
tree connection (for example, if the connection was made
through a NetWare 4.x server in emulation mode), all
bindery settings will be deleted.
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ NDS Setup)
If you choose OK, and choose Yes in the following message
screen (Delete Bindery setup and continue?), bindery
settings are deleted and have to be re-entered in Bindery
To avoid deleting the bindery settings press the Menu key,
or select OK and choose No in the following message
screen (Delete Bindery setup and continue?).
Repeat NDS Setup without changing the NDS tree, or exit
to Bindery Setup to review your current bindery settings.
Navigating NDS tree
___ is empty.
The chosen container contains no sub-containers or
objects relevant to the current mode of navigation.
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ NDS Setup)
Enter Password,
Login to NDS tree (or Print
Server) failed.
The password you entered failed. Press the Menu button,
check the password, return to the password entry screen
and re-enter the password.
Enter Print Server Password
Please try again.
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ NDS Setup)
Bindery Setup
If you also plan to use NDS,
set up NDS before Bindery.
No NDS settings are present. You are reminded to perform
NDS Setup before Bindery Setup in case your network
includes both NDS and bindery servers.
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ Bindery Setup)
Select File Server From List
Error. Cannot open bindery
connection to NDS server.
Select this server through NDS setup or disable NDS and
select it through bindery.
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ Bindery Setup)
Select File Server From List
No NetWare file
server found.
No file server was found when DocuColor queried the
network to create a list of supported servers or a list of all
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ Bindery Setup)
Check cable connections and make sure the NetWare
server is turned on.
4-6 Administering the DocuColor
After this Setup screen:
This message:
Enter First Letters
of Server Name
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ Bindery Setup)
File server name not found.
Try again?
No file server with those letters was found when
DocuColor queried the network. Check the name of the
NetWare file server, check cable connections, and make
sure the NetWare server is turned on.
View Server List,
No file server is selected.
No file server has been added in Bindery Setup.
Edit Connection
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ Bindery Setup)
Add File Server
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ Bindery Setup)
All connections used.
Remove server?
You have added the maximum number of bindery servers,
which is eight.
Add Server, Enter Your Login
Name, Enter Your File Server
(Network Service Setup/
PServer Setup/ Bindery Setup)
No NetWare print
server found.
No print server was found when DocuColor queried the
file server you selected.
You must configure a print server and a print queue for
every NetWare file server that will handle DocuColor print
jobs (see page 3-4).
Novell error code, followed by
a message.
Any Bindery Setup screen
Novell NetWare has reported an error. The Control Panel
reports the error number and displays a brief explanatory
For the most common errors (listed in the following table),
a screen is displayed that enables you to retry the action
that evoked the error, such as adding a server. If that is not
possible, you are prompted to notify the Novell
administrator, who will need to troubleshoot the network.
Consult NetWare Administrator documentation for
further explanation of Novell error codes.
4-7 Troubleshooting the DocuColor
In Network Setup, when you are configuring your IPX (Novell) connection, the Docu-
Color queries the network for Novell file servers and print servers, and attaches to
them temporarily. If a guest login is enabled, it will be used. If not, you’ll be prompted
to log in from the DocuColor Control Panel.
If the selected NetWare file server does not have a guest account, or if the guest account
has expired or has been disabled by the NetWare supervisor, you will be prompted to
notify the IPX (Novell) administrator. In that case, you (or the supervisor) have two
• Enable a guest account on the NetWare server for the purpose of setup.
• Log in to a different account. At the ENTER LOGIN NAME screen, change the default
name (guest) to supervisor or enter another valid login name. When you are
prompted for a password, enter the correct password for the account you named.
For any Novell error, make sure:
• Your IPX (Novell) network is connected to the DocuColor.
• The NetWare server you are trying to access is running.
• The Novell network has been configured with at least one print server and queue for
the DocuColor.
• You have the appropriate permissions.
• Each NetWare server is using one of the frame types you have set on the DocuColor
in Network/IPX/SPX Setup.
4-8 Administering the DocuColor
Novell error screens
Novell error:
Suggested action or exit:
The guest account, which you have chosen for
initial login, has expired or has been disabled by for the purpose of setup.
Enable a guest account on the NetWare server
Guest account not
the NetWare supervisor.
Alternatively, log in to a different account. In
the ENTER LOGIN NAME screen, change the
default name (guest) to supervisor or another
valid login name. When you are prompted for
a password, enter the correct password for the
account you named.
The server has connected to a file server, but is
unable to log in to the file server or print server
because the password has expired for the login
account name or the named print server.
Select a different login account or print server.
Unable to log in
to server.
Password has expired
for login name
The error screen exits to the File Server Login
screen (if login to file server failed) or NetWare
Print Server screen (if login to Print Server
Pressing the Menu button returns to the
PServer Setup screen.
The server has connected to a file server, but is
unable to log in to the server because the selected
login account does not exist on the file server.
Select a different login account.
Unable to log in
to server.
Login does not
The error screen exits to the File Server Login
screen. Pressing the Menu button returns to the
PServer Setup screen.
The Novell file server is down or out of
Select a different file server (or try to get
someone else to log off).
Unable to connect to
file server.
File server is
down or out of
This error occurs while the server is trying to
connect to the requested file server.
Pressing the Menu button returns to the
PServer Setup screen.
4-9 Troubleshooting the DocuColor
Novell error:
Suggested action or exit:
Indicates other network errors when the color
server is already connected to a file server.
Something unexpected has happened and the
user generally cannot recover without
Notify the Novell administrator and report the
error number.
Notify IPX (Novell)
The error screen exits to the PServer Setup
intervention of the network administrator.
Error #197 indicates that you have exceeded the
number of login attempts permitted for this
account on the NetWare file server.
Error #220 indicates that the guest account you
selected is not available.
Error #255 usually indicates a hard failure.
Runtime error messages
For canceling jobs, calibration alerts, and error messages related to printing and
calibration, see the User Guide.
Check power and cable
This message on the Control Panel indicates that the interface cable between the
DocuColor and the copier is not connected, or a print job is ready but the copier is not
turned on. Depending on the copier or printer model, the runtime diagnostics Test
Scan/Print, Video Diagnostics, and Cable Check may be available for service
See the User Guide for additional runtime error messages, including copier errors, alerts
to load media in trays or cassettes, and a disk full message. These messages are reported
by the Control Panel and the remote utilities.
PostScript error reporting can be turned on by setting the PS Setup option Print to PS
error to Yes.
Printer not found—TCP/ IP or IPX networks
Most failures to find a printer on the network are due to conflicting or missing name or
address settings for the printer/server. You must enter particular names in certain
places. The required names are:
4-10 Administering the DocuColor
• TCP/IP host name or DNS name, which is defined by the MIS group in your
organization, and should be fewer than 10 characters long. In this manual we use
Enter the host name as the Server Name on the DocuColor Control Panel.
• Internal (machine) name in the form:
NOTE: You must reconfigure one of the utilities on each workstation if you change the
TCP/IP host name or DNS name of the DocuColor.
Check the table below for the appropriate name to use.
In this location:
For this item:
See page:
Server Setup on DocuColor
Control Panel
Server Name option
Windows NT hosts file
host name
DNS name or
TCP/IP host
Windows NT setup for TCP/IP
lpd host name
DNS name or
TCP/IP host
3-23, &
name of printer on lpd host
UNIX / etc/ hosts file
rp line
3-30, &
User Guide
lpadmin queuename
print queues
NetWare administration utility
Add New Server dialog box, when New Device
configuring a utility
Server Name
Server Name of
DocuColor as
DNS name or
TCP/IP host
specified in Setup name
4-11 Troubleshooting the DocuColor
In this location:
For this item:
See page:
Server Name
Server Name of
DocuColor as
specified in Setup name
DNS name or
TCP/IP host
Server Name
Server Name of
DocuColor as
DNS name or
TCP/IP host
specified in Setup name
Printer not found in the Chooser of remote utilities
If you start one of the remote utilities and cannot connect to the DocuColor color
server, check the following:
• DocuColor Setup—the appropriate network protocol must be enabled, with the
correct parameters (for example, for TCP/IP, the IP address, etc.; for IPX, a correct
frame type setting), and you must have published the Print queue.
Verify that in IPX/SPX Setup the IPX network protocol has bound to all the frame
types in use by the NetWare servers that handle DocuColor print jobs.
You can check these settings quickly by printing a Configuration page.
• On your workstation—you must have the appropriate network protocol(s) loaded,
your Windows directory should contain your edited NET_WSCK.INI file, and
your System folder should contain only one of the following files:
NET_WIPX.DLL if the workstation is running IPX/SPX protocols, or
NET_WSCK.DLL if the workstation is running TCP/IP protocols.
A-1 Token Ring Network Option
Token Ring is an alternative network architecture to Ethernet architecture. Token Ring
networks offer a high resistance to failure and are commonly used in large or high-
traffic network installations.
Appendix A:
Token Ring
Network Option
Token Ring networks operate by passing a network token around the electronic equiv-
alent of a ring. The token is a data packet that circulates from one network node to
another, controlling access to the network. In practice, each workstation is connected
to a port on one or more media attachment units (MAUs) which act as network hubs
for the ring connection.
This Appendix describes the Token Ring option and Token Ring cable connections,
and refers you to the remaining configuration that’s required for printing to the
DocuColor Token Ring option
DocuColor supports Token Ring networks that use IPX and TCP/IP protocols. To use
the DocuColor with a Token Ring network, the Token Ring option must be installed.
This option consists of an enabler board and an Intel Token Ring network interface
card installed in the DocuColor chassis. DocuColor System software that supports the
Token Ring option is standard.
NetWare file servers or other workstations may be directly connected to the Docu-
Color or connected through a router. If they are directly connected, they must also use
a Token Ring adapter and Token Ring cabling. Client computers may be connected to
the NetWare file server with Token Ring or Ethernet cabling.
Connecting Token Ring hardware
The service/support center that installs the DocuColor usually installs the Token Ring
option at the same time, and configures the DocuColor to enable printing.
The DocuColor Token Ring option uses the Intel TokenExpress™ PRO LAN Adapter
board. Software drivers for the board are included in the DocuColor system software.
A-3 Token Ring Network Option
With the DocuColor turned off, connect RJ-45 cable from the Token Ring MAU to the
RJ-45 socket on the Token Ring card.
Configure the NetWare, Windows NT, or UNIX server to print to the DocuColor (see
the next two sections) Then proceed to page 2-2 for DocuColor Setup.
With the DocuColor turned off, connect STP cable from the Token Ring MAU to the
DB-9 STP connector on the Token Ring card.
Configure the NetWare, Windows NT, or UNIX server to print to the DocuColor (see
the next two sections). Then, proceed to page 2-2 for DocuColor Setup.
IPX/ SPX installations
If your network uses IPX/SPX protocols with Token Ring, configure at least one
printer, a DocuColor Print Server and a DocuColor Print Queue on the NetWare
server as described in “Configuring a NetWare server for printing” on page 3-4. You
can configure up to eight bindery servers and one NDS tree connection to the
DocuColor. This total is the same whether the DocuColor is connected by Token
Ring, by Ethernet, or by both. For more information, see “Setting up an NDS
TCP/ IP installations
If your network uses TCP/IP protocols with Token Ring, configure a printer and a
DocuColor queue on a Windows NT server (see “Configuring a Windows NT server
to support the DocuColor” on page 3-19), or on a UNIX server (see “Setting up the
DocuColor on TCP/IP networks” on page 3-31).
A-4 Token Ring Network Option
Setting up Token Ring on the DocuColor
Token Ring Setup on the Control Panel is similar to Ethernet Setup. From Network
Setup, perform Port Setup, Protocol Setup, and Service Setup. The setups you need are
summarized in the table on page 2-9.
the Token Ring card can configure itself for the correct cable.
Setting up NetWare Windows clients
Client setup is exactly the same as for IPX clients using Ethernet. See “Setting up
NetWare Windows clients for printing” on page 3-15 for details.
10Base2 1-12
10Base5 1-12
10BaseT 1-12
automatic from copier 2-39
accessing color server Setup, Control
Panel 2-2 to 2-7
targets 2-39
Add Server option, Bindery Setup 2-27
features of color server 2-37
functions 4-1 to 4-2
installing the color server 1-2
managing print jobs 4-1
password 2-37, 2-42
with NetWare servers 1-6, 3-27
with Windows NT 3-18, 3-27
applying calibration 2-41
AutoCal 2-39
Auto Clear Job Log Every 55 Jobs
option 2-38
automatic calibration 2-39
Auto Print Job Log Every 55 Jobs
option 2-38
Bindery connection 2-29
host name or DNS name 4-10
back view of the color server 1-13
binary data, printing via parallel port 2-14
Bindery File Server, connecting 2-27
Bindery Services 2-19
Clear Frame Types, IPX/SPX Setup 2-18
clearing all queued jobs 2-37, 2-43
clearing the Job Log 2-37, 2-38, 2-43
Clear Server 2-37, 2-43
clients, setting up 1-2, 3-15 to 3-17, 3-25 to
Bindery Setup 2-26
on the server 2-26 to 2-30
requirements 2-26
buttons on Control Panel 2-3
I-2 Index
color server
Control Panel 2-3
copier connector 1-13
Direct connection 2-31
display 2-2
Ethernet interface 1-12
Job Log 2-37
parallel connector 1-13
power switch 1-13
Print queue 2-31
queues 2-32
accessing 2-2 to 2-6
Job Log Setup 2-37
Network Setup 2-9
Printer Setup 2-32
printing the map 2-5
Server Setup 2-7
Convert Paper Sizes option 2-34
with 2-35
summary 2-2
Color Setup 2-2, 2-36
configuring network clients
NetWare 3-15 to 3-17
Windows NT 3-25 to 3-26
configuring network servers
NetWare 3-2, 3-4 to 3-15
UNIX 3-31
date, setting 2-7
Default Paper Sizes option 2-34
delete symbol, in Setup display 2-5
Direct connection 2-31
jobs 2-31, 2-43
Windows NT 3-19
publishing 2-33
configuring the color server 2-1 to 2-43
disk space 4-3
copier interface cable 1-11
network cable 1-12 to 1-14
parallel cable 1-14
to a Bindery file server 2-27, 2-28
Token Ring cable A-2
to multiple Bindery servers 2-26, 2-27
DNS (Domain Name Services) 3-18, 3-22
documentation, about the xii
DOS character set 2-8
Downloader, see utilities
I-3 Index
Edit Connection option, Bindery
Setup 2-26, 2-29
Enable Ethernet option 2-12
Enable LPD option 2-19
Enable NDS option 2-22
Enable Parallel Port option 2-13
Enable Printed Queue option 2-8
Enable PServer option 2-21
Enable Source Routing option 2-12
Enable TCP/IP for Ethernet option 2-15
Enable Token Ring 2-12
Enable Web Services option 2-21
enabling utilities 2-15, 2-17
enabling WebTools 2-21
end-of-file (EOF) character, parallel
communication 2-14
Enter First Letters of Server Name (search
option) 2-27
entering a new password 2-43
Enter Login Name option, Bindery
Setup 2-28
Bindery 2-28
Setup 2-28
font substitution 2-35
frame types supported
TCP/IP and AppleTalk 2-18
From List option (adding a file server) 2-27
Enter Your Print Server Password,
Bindery 2-28, 2-29
error messages 2-34, 4-3, 4-9
Novell 4-6
runtime 4-9
Setup 4-3 to 4-9
Ethernet 1-12, 1-13
improving server performance 4-2
installation, summary of tasks 1-2 to 1-3
connecting cable 1-12 to 1-14
network 3-2
Ethernet frame types 2-18
Ethernet II 2-18
Ethernet port Setup 2-12
color server on network 1-2 to 1-11
utilities for Windows 95 3-16
utilities for Windows NT 3-26
IP address 3-31, 3-32
I-4 Index
IPX (Novell) 1-1, 3-1 to 3-17
NDS printing 3-6 to 3-9
NetWare client setup 3-15 to 3-17
network diagram 1-5
overview of printing 3-3
setting up printing 3-4 to 3-16
terms used to describe 2-26
tips for experts 3-2
during startup 4-3
IPX (Novell) 3-1
IPX/SPX protocol setup 2-18
IPX/SPX Setup 2-18
selecting frame types 2-18
IPX/SPX Setup, summary 2-9
NDS printing 3-6 to 3-9
Job Log 2-37
clearing 2-37, 2-43
clearing automatically 2-38
default options 2-37
printing automatically 2-38
setting the page size used 2-38
jobs, clearing from server 2-43
browsing to Print Server 2-24
browsing to User Login object 2-23
NETBEUI 1-6, 1-7
line selection buttons, Control Panel 2-3
loopback address 2-16
lpd (TCP/IP) 1-1, 3-29
setup summary 3-31 to 3-32
Bindery and NDS on the same
network 2-21
Bindery Services 2-19
I-5 Index
Directory Services 2-19
print server poll interval 2-31
NetWare 4.x bindery context 3-9
NetWare Directory Services 3-1
NetWare File Server, Bindery
connecting 2-26, 2-27
overwriting calibration 2-41
finding available servers 2-27
in PCONSOLE 3-12
removing connection 2-30
selecting for editing 2-29
setting up more than one 2-26
NetWare Print Console 3-12
changing the selection 2-26
connecting 2-28, 2-29
timeout setting 2-13
creating in PCONSOLE 3-13
editing your choice 2-29
password 2-28
NetWare Queue 3-14
NetWare Server Poll Interval in
Seconds 2-31
ping command 3-32
Port Timeout in Seconds option 2-13
PostScript error 2-35
PostScript files, printing 2-14
PostScript Setup 2-2, 2-34 to 2-35
preferences for the Job Log 2-37
Print Comparison Page option 2-41
cable 1-11
installation diagrams 1-2 to 1-11
installation summary 1-3
IPX (Novell) 1-3, 1-4, 1-5
lpd (TCP/IP) 1-3, 1-4, 1-9
using multiple protocols 1-4
with Windows NT 1-6, 1-7
Network Setup
with Token Ring option A-4
Network Setup, Control Panel 2-9 to 2-31
New Password option 2-43
Novell Directory Services 3-1
Novell error messages 4-6
I-6 Index
Print Cover Page option 2-34
Printed queue 2-8, 2-32
printer connection failure 4-9
Printer Model option 2-33
printer not found 4-9
printer not in Chooser 4-9
Printer Setup, Control Panel 2-32
summary 2-32
clearing 2-37
Control Panel map 2-5
cover page for each job 2-34
directly to parallel port 2-13
Job Log automatically 2-38
PostScript files 2-14
publishing connections 2-31
start page at startup 2-8
Print queue 2-8, 2-31, 2-32, 2-33
print queues 2-32
color server 2-8, 2-32, 2-33
NDS 2-25
NetWare server 3-14
NetWare server (Bindery) 2-27
Print Start Page option 2-8
protocols, network 1-1
Save Changes
See individual protocols
color server Setup, Control Panel 2-6,
PServer, defined 2-19
PS Setup 2-2
Printer Setup, Control Panel 2-33, 2-35
SCSI terminator, on color server 1-11
Search Name option (adding a file
server) 2-27
Select File Server option 2-27
Select Frame Types option 2-18
a printing connection 2-31
queues 2-33
the Direct connection 2-33
the Print queue 2-33
Publish Print Queue option 2-33
I-7 Index
TCP/IP protocol setup 2-14
Bindery servers 2-29
default paper size 2-34
selecting frame types for IPX/SPX 2-18
Select NDS Tree option 2-22
Select Target option 2-40
for Token Ring 2-16
Control Panel 2-2
queue on NetWare server 3-14
Setup, see color server Setup
Server Name option 2-7
server performance, maintaining/
improving 4-2 to 4-3
Server Setup, from Control Panel 2-7
Setup, Control Panel 2-2 to 2-43
accessing 2-2 to 2-6
connectors, illustrated A-2
frame types 2-18
Setup. See color server Setup
shielded twisted pair cable
connecting to color server A-3
Spooler, see utilities
Subnet Mask option 2-15, 2-17
superuser 3-31
twisted pair cable 1-12, 1-14, A-3
connecting to color server A-3
Supported Servers option, Bindery 2-29
System Date option 2-7
System Time option 2-7
targets, calibration 2-40
enabling protocol on the server 2-15,
workstations 3-26
network diagram 1-9
ping 3-32
published connections 2-33
required for IPX utilities 3-16
setting up printing from
Windows NT 3-18 to 3-25
with UNIX workstations 3-29
I-8 Index
WebTools 3-28 to 3-29
viewing list of connected Bindery
servers 2-29
View Server List option, Bindery
Setup 2-26, 2-29
network environment 1-6, 1-7
setting up server to print to color
server 3-19 to 3-25
Web Services Setup, in Service Setup 2-21
WebSpooler 2-8, 2-21, 2-31, 2-32, 2-37,
2-38, 2-42, 2-43
with TCP/IP 1-6, 1-7, 1-9
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